Botany: | A perennial stout woody climber growing to a height of 10- 12m, leaves thick, coriaceous, glabrous, elliptic to elliptic - lanceolate, rarely ovate, length ranges from 8-18 cm, breadth from 6- 10 cm; size larger in young plants,much smaller in older vines and male vines, base round or acute, tip acuminate, margins often recurved. Leaves on the orthotropic shoots cordate. Ribs 2-3 pairs, the uppermost arises 1-2 cm above the leaf base. Spike filiform, Minutely hairy, male spikes about 4-10 cm, female 4-9 cm, lengthens in maturity; peduncle glabrous, bracts decurrent, connate, forming a fleshy cup of boat shaped structure, hirtellous; stamens two, short, dithecous, carpel - one, style absent, stigma 3-4 lobed, lobes short papillate. Fruits bold, spherical, oblong, taste bitter first, pungent later; colour changes from green to yellow and then to orange red on ripening; closely related to P. galeatum 2n = 60. |
Keyfeature: | Spikes minutely pubescent | Distribution: | Bababudan hills of Karnataka at elevations of about 1000 m MSL. |
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