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Detection: 115 Literatures Found
41 :Assessing the potential of regions of the nuclear and mitochondrial genome to develop a molecular tool box for the detection and characterization of Phytophthora species
Author(s):      Schena. L      Cooke. D. E. L
Source:Journal of Microbiological Methods ;  2006  [Vol.67]  Pages:70-85    DOI:10.1016/j.mimet.2006.03.003
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42 :The use of molecular diagnostics to investigate the epidemiology of potato diseases
Author(s):      Lees. A. K      Wale. S. J      Graaf. P. V. D      Brierley. J. L
Source:Australasian Plant Pathology ;  2005  [Vol.34]  Pages:449-455    DOI:10.1071/AP05085
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43 :Detection of Phytophthora nicotianae by PCR
Author(s):      Grote. D      Bertolini. E      Cambra. M      Olmos. A      Kofoet. A      Tuset. J. J
Source:Eppo Bulletin ;  2008  [Vol.30]  Pages:539-541    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2338.2000.tb00943.x
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44 :Characterization and detection of Phytophthora fragariae in plant, water and soil by molecular methods
Author(s):      Bonants. P. J. M      Gent-Pelzer. M. P. E. V      Weerdt. M. H
Source:Eppo Bulletin ;  2008  [Vol.30]  Pages:525-531    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2338.2000.tb00941.x
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45 :Molecular identification of Phytophthora nicotianae isolates causing leaf rot of betelvine (Piper betle L.)
Author(s):      Tripathi. A      Johri. J. K      Singh. R      Raj. S. K      Singh. A. P
Source:Current Science ;  2003  [Vol.84]  Pages:22-24
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46 :Improving a PCR-Based Method for Identification of Ralstonia solanacearum in Natural Sources of West Malaysia
Author(s):      Khakvar. R      Lin. T. K      Sijam. K      Yun. W. M      Radu. S
Source:American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences ;  2008  [Vol.3]  Pages:490-493
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47 :Evaluation of procedures for reliable PCR detection of Ralstonia solanacearum in common natural substrates
Author(s):      Poussier. S      Cheron. J. J      Couteau. A      Luisetti. J
Source:Journal of Microbiological Methods ;  2002  [Vol.51]  Pages:349-359    DOI:10.1016/S0167-7012(02)00111-2
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48 :Simultaneous detection of gfp-marked Moraxella sp. G21r and lux- marked Ralstonia eutrophas H850Lr using most-probable-number method
Author(s):      So. J. S      Trevors. J. T      Chang. W. S      Leung. K. T      Lee. H
Source:Journal of Microbiological Methods ;  2000  [Vol.43]  Pages:67-72    DOI:10.1016/S0167-7012(00)00211-6
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49 :A new and sensitive Co-operational polymerase chain reaction for rapid detection of Ralstonia solanacearum in water
Author(s):      Caruso. P      Bertolini. E      Cambra. M      Lopez. M. M
Source:Journal of Microbiological Methods ;  2003  [Vol.55]  Pages:257-272    DOI:10.1016/S0167-7012(03)00161-1
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50 :Detection of Ralstonia solanacearum in natural substrates using phage amplification integrated with real-time PCR assay
Source:Journal of Microbiological Methods ;  2009  [Vol.76]  Pages:241-246    DOI:10.1016/j.mimet.2008.11.008
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