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Simultaneous detection of gfp-marked Moraxella sp. G21r and lux- marked Ralstonia eutrophas H850Lr using most-probable-number method
So. J. S      Trevors. J. T      Chang. W. S      Leung. K. T      Lee. H      
Journal of Microbiological Methods ;  2000  [Vol.43]  Pages:67-72
The green fluorescent protein encoded by gfp gene and the luminescent protein encoded by luxAB genes were used as markers to detect p-nitrophenol (PNP)-degrading Moraxella sp. G21r and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-degrading Ralstonia eutrophas H850Lr cells, respectively, in mixed liquid cultures and in soil samples using a most-probable-number (MPN) assay. Population estimates for both gfp-marked G21r and lux-marked H850Lr by using MPN assays were similar to viable colony counts. The MPN assay with microtiter plates permitted the simultaneous detection of fluorescent and luminescent bacteria in soil samples faster than conventional plate counting.
gfp-marked moraxella sp. g21r
lux-marked ralstonia eutrophas h850lr
mpn assay