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Detection: 115 Literatures Found
31 :Detection of Phytophthora nicotianae and P. citrophthora in citrus roots and soils by nested PCR
Author(s):      Ippolito. A      Schena. L      Nigro. F
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2002  [Vol.108]  Pages:855-868    DOI:10.1023/A:1021208106857
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32 :Detection of Phytophthora nicotianae and P. palmivora in citrus roots using PCR-RFLP in comparison with other methods
Author(s):      Bowman. K. D      Albrecht. U      Graham. J. H      Bright. D. B
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2007  [Vol.119]  Pages:143-158    DOI:10.1007/s10658-007-9
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33 :Specific detection of Phytophthora nicotianae using the polymerase chain reaction and primers based on the DNA sequence of its elicitin gene ParA1
Author(s):      Lacourt. I      Duncan. J. M
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  1997  [Vol.103]  Pages:73-83    DOI:10.1023/A:1008634222146
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34 :Exploiting generic platform technologies for the detection and identification of plant pathogens
Author(s):      Boonham. N      Glover. R      Tomlinson. J      Mumford. R
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2008  [Vol.121]  Pages:355-363    DOI:10.1007/s10658-008-9284-3
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35 :Conventional PCR and real time quantitative PCR detection of Phytophthora cryptogea on Gerbera jamesoni
Author(s):      Minerdi. D      Moretti. M      Li. Y      Gaggero. L      Garibaldi. A      Gullino. M. L
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2008  [Vol.122]  Pages:227-237    DOI:10.1007/s10658-008-9276-3
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36 :Detection and identification of Phytophthora species in southern Italy by RFLP and sequence analysis of PCR-amplified nuclear ribosomal DNA
Author(s):      Camele. I      Marcone. C      Cristinzio. G
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2005  [Vol.113]  Pages:1-14    DOI:10.1007/s10658-005-8915-1
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37 :N605ab, a specific molecular marker for Phytophthora infestans, distinguishes three genotypes in Japan
Author(s):      Akino. S      Shirasawa. Y      Kondo. N      Naito. S
Source:Journal of General Plant Pathology ;  2008  [Vol.74]  Pages:125-127    DOI:10.1007/s10327-007-0065-1
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38 :A combination of baiting and different PCR formats, including measurement of real-time quantitative fluorescence, for the detection of Phytophthora fragariae in strawberry plants
Author(s):      Bonants. P. J. M      Gent-Pelzer. M. P. E. V      Hooftman. R      Cooke. D. E. L      Guy. D. C      Duncan. J. M
Source:European Journal of Plant Pathology ;  2004  [Vol.110]  Pages:689-702    DOI:10.1023/B:EJPP.0000041551.26970.0e
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39 :Identification of a New Phytophthora Species Causing Root and Runner Rot of Cranberry in New Jersey
Author(s):      Polashock. J. J      Vaiciunas. J      Oudemans. P. V
Source:Phytopathology ;  2005  [Vol.95]  Pages:1237-1243    DOI:10.1094/PHYTO-95-1237
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40 :Molecular detection of Phytophthora capsici in infected plant tissues, soil and water
Author(s):      Zhang. Z. G      Zheng. X. B      Li. Y. Q      Fan. H      Wang. Y. C
Source:Plant Pathology ;  2006  [Vol.55]  Pages:770-775    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2006.01442.x
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