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Molecular detection of Phytophthora capsici in infected plant tissues, soil and water
Zhang. Z. G      Zheng. X. B      Li. Y. Q      Fan. H      Wang. Y. C      
Plant Pathology ;  2006  [Vol.55]  Pages:770-775
A species-specific PCR assay was developed for rapid and accurate detection of the pathogenic oomycete Phytophthora capsici in diseased plant tissues, soil and artificially infested irrigation water. Based on differences in internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of Phytophthora spp. and other oomycetes, one pair of species-specific primers, PC-1/PC-2, was synthesized. After screening 15 isolates of P. capsici and 77 isolates from the Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Deuteromycota and Oomycota, the PC-1/PC-2 primers amplified only a single PCR band of c. 560 bp from P. capsici. The detection sensitivity with primers PC-1/PC-2 was 1 pg genomic DNA (equivalent to half the genomic DNA of a single zoospore)per 25-µL PCR reaction volume; traditional PCR could detect P. capsici in naturally infected plant tissues, diseased field soil and artificially inoculated irrigation water. Using ITS1/ ITS4 as the first-round primers and PC-1/PC-2 in the second round, nested PCR procedures were developed, increasing detection sensitivity to 1 fg per 25-µL reaction volume. The results suggested that the assay detected the pathogen more rapidly and accurately than standard isolation methods. The PCR-based methods developed here could simplify both plant disease diagnosis and pathogen monitoring, as well as guiding plant disease management.
molecular detection
nested pcr