
  1. ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode
  2. ICAR RC NEH, Umiam
  3. ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
  4. ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore
  5. ICAR-RC-Goa

1. ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode

S. No. Activity 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Work done by
Recruitment of Staff MA AK
Purchase of Equipment MA AK
01 Diversity analysis of Ralstonia solanacearum using molecular methods such as AFLP/Rep-PCR/16S rDNA sequencing and phenotypic methods such as Substrate utilization screening and biochemical methods AK RSB
02 Identification of race and behaviour specific sequence in Ralstonia solanacearum using molecular characterization/bioinformatics tools and development of diagnostic tools AK RSB
Validation of diagnostic tools in field samples such as soil and rhizomes AK RSB
03Biochemical analysis of Indian mango ginger and deciphering of mechanism of bacterial wilt resistance AK RSB
Biochemical analysis of early events in the wilt induction and studies on the host response to the wilt pathogen Functional genomic approaches for studying the early events in the wilt induction AK RSB
Studies on microbial interaction in vascular elements and understanding of the synergistic or antagonistic behavior of xylem borne microorganisms AK RSB
Studies on the interaction of Nematodes/ Pythium/ Fusarium with Ralstonia especially in ginger AK RSB
Genomic approaches for studying the fate of bacterium in soil or plant debris after the disease cycle AK RSB
04Search for resistance in indigenous germplasm of major crops such as ginger and development of agronomically superior bacterial wilt resistance cultivars AK RSB
05 Isolation of microbial candidates for use against wilt pathogens AK RSB
Development of biological control methods for bacterial wilt and its validation in field situation and exploitation of BCA derived molecules for deployment against wilt disease. BCA derived elicitors are already reported for induction of Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR). AK RSB
Development of Seed/Rhizome Health Management system AK RSB
Development of soil treatment based on biofumigation using cruciferae family members AK RSB
Development of integrated disease management modules for wilt management AK RSB
Development of seed plot technique for ginger especially in endemic area of bacterial wilt AK RSB

MA – M. Anandaraj; AK – A. Kumar; RSB – R. Suseela Bhai

2. ICAR RC NEH, Umiam

S. No. Activity 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Work done by
Extensive literature search RD/PB
01 Survey of bacterial wilt of tomato in diseases prone area of different agro-climatic zone. RD/PB
Isolation and characterization of R. solanacearum infected plants as well as soil. RD/PB
Characterization R. solanacearum isolates using PCR based molecular tool. RD/PB
Test the pathogenicity of collected isolates of R. solanacearum. RD/PB
02 Isolation and characterization of antagonistic microbes especially Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus spp. RD/PB
Test the bio-efficacy of bioagent against R. solanacearum under in vitro and protected conditions. RD/PB
Formulation studies and field evaluation of selected bioagents RD/PB
Evaluation of available ITKs RD/PB
03 Conduct training to agriculture officers and extension worker on diagnosis and management of bacterial wilt diseases RD/PB
04 Submission of final report RD/PB

RD - R. Dutta; PB - P. Baiswar

3. ICAR-IARI, New Delhi

S. No. Activity 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Work done by
01 Collection of Ralstonia solanacearum from diseases prone area of different agro-climatic zone. DS/ KKM
Diversity analysis of R. solanacearum using molecular methods such as AFLP, Rep- PCR/ 16s r DNA sequencing and phenotypic and biochemical methods. DS/ KKM
Studies on microbial interaction in vascular elements and understanding of the synergistic or antagonistic behaviour of xylem borne microorganism KKM
Test the pathogenicity of R. solanacearum isolates collected from different zones. DS/ KKM
02 Identification of race/ biovar specific sequence in R. solanacearum by using molecular techniques/ bioinformatics tools and development of diagnostic tool. DS/ KKM
Validation and standardization of molecular diagnostic tool. DS
03 Studies on interaction of nematodes/ Fusarium with Ralstonia DS
04 Analysis of virulence genes using bioinformatics DS
Genomic approaches for studying the fate of bacterium in soil or plant debris after the disease cycle. KKM
05 Development of soil treatment based on biofumigation using cruciferae family members. DS
Isolation of microbial candidates for use against wilt pathogens. DS/ KKM
Development of biological control methods for bacterial wilt and standardize the inoculum potential and time of application of bioagent and its validation in field situation. DS
Development of integrated disease management modules for wilt management DS/ KKM
Prepare database, documentation and report writing of the project. DS/ KKM

DS - Dinesh Singh; KKM

4.ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore

S. No. Activity 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Work done by
01 Survey for collection of various isolates of RS from the major tomato and brinjal growing areas in India CG, ATS, THS & KMR
Biological characterization of RS isolates by host differentials under glass house condition CG, ATS, THS & KMR
Biochemical characterization of strains of RS CG, ATS, THS & KMR
Conservation of RS isolates for long term preservation CG, ATS, THS & KMR
Molecular characterization of strains of RS isolates by Rep-PCR, ERIC-PCR, rDNA -PCR and PCR-RFLP analysis CG, ATS, THS & KMR
02 PCR based diagnostics for species, biovar, race and phylotype identification of RS isolates CG, ATS, THS & KMR
PCR based diagnosis of Ralstonia population in soil/host tissue CG, ATS, THS & KMR
NASH based diagnosis for large scale detection of RS CG, ATS, THS & KMR
03 Studies on host-pathogen-environment interaction in bacterial wilt disease epidemic CG, ATS, THS & KMR
Studies on interaction of Nematodes with RS CG, ATS, THS & KMR
04 Genetic characterization of hsp and endogluconase genes from severe and mild isolates of RS CG, ATS, THS & KMR
05Screening of germplasm lines of tomato and brinjal for resistance to bacterial wilt CG, ATS, THS & KMR
06 Isolation and characterization of bio agents of RS CG, ATS, THS & KMR
Evaluation (lab. glasshouse & field) of chemicals, botanicals and bio agents against BW in tomato and brinjal CG, ATS, THS & KMR
Development of IDM strategies for the management of BW in tomato and brinjal CG, ATS, THS & KMR
Statistical analysis and compilation of reports CG, ATS, THS & KMR

CG - C. Gopalakrishnan, ATS - A.T. Sadashiva, THS - T.H. Singh, KMR - K. Madhavi Reddy

5. ICAR-RC-Goa

S. No. Activity 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Work done by
01 Collection of R. solanacearum isolates infecting eggplant and chilli from wilt endemic locations of India RR & MT
Phenotypic characterization (pathogenicity, virulence, host range studies and biovar determination) of R. solanacearum isolates RR & MT
Analysis of genetic diversity of R. solanacearum using molecular methods such as Rep-PCR, 16S rDNA sequencing and PCR-RFLP RR & MT
02Identification of race and biovar specific sequence in R. solanacearum using molecular characterization and bioinformatics tools and development of detection technique RR & MT
Study of the virulence factors using the sequence data and bioinformatics RR & MT
03Study of native bacterial and R. solanacearum population dynamics in the xylem vascular tissue and their interaction RR & MT
04 Screening of eggplant germplasm comprising of cultivated types, exotic collections and wild relatives against R. solanacearum. RR & MT
Development of suitable mapping population (F1, F2, F3) for resistant gene tagging in eggplant. Phenotypic screening of F3 population for disease reaction RR & MT
Genotypic screening and establishment of marker-phenotype association using statistical analysis RR & MT
05 Isolation of microbial candidates for use against R. solanacearum RR & MT
Development of biological control methods and their validation RR & MT
Exploration of biocontrol agent derived elicitors and induced systemic resistance in enhancing host defense RR & MT
Development of integrated bacterial wilt management modules RR & MT

RR - R. Ramesh; MT - M. Thangam