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Plant- pathogen interactions: 104 Literatures Found
1 :Spatial and temporal expression patterns of Avr1b-1 and defense-related genes in soybean plants upon infection with Phytophthora sojae
Author(s):      Valer. K      Fliegmann. J      Frohlich. A      Tyler. B. M      Ebel. J
Source:FEMS Microbiology Letters ;  2006  [Vol.265]  Pages:60-68    DOI:10.1111/j.1574-6968.2006.00467.x
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2 :Intraspecific comparative genomics to identify avirulence genes from Phytophthora
Author(s):      Bos. J. I. B      Armstrong. M      Whisson. S. C      Torto. T. A      Ochwo. M      Birch. P. R. J      Kamoun. S
Source:New Phytologist ;  2003  [Vol.159]  Pages:63-72    DOI:10.1046/j.1469-8137.2003.00801.x
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3 :Plant-induced cell death in the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora parasitica
Author(s):      Galiana. E      Rivičre. M. -P      Pagnotta. S      Baudouin. E      Panabičres. F      Gounon. P      Boudier. L
Source:Cellular Microbiology ;  2005  [Vol.7]  Pages:1365-1378    DOI:10.1111/j.1462-5822.2005.00565.x
Abstract                                                               Request the Article

4 :Stability of partial resistance in potato cultivars exposed to aggressive strains of Phytophthora infestans
Author(s):      Flier. W. G      Bosch. G. B. M. V. D      Turkensteen. L. J
Source:Plant Pathology ;  2003  [Vol.52]  Pages:326-337    DOI:10.1046/j.1365-3059.2003.00862.x
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5 :The Phytophthora sojae Avirulence Locus Avr3c Encodes a Multi-Copy RXLR Effector with Sequence Polymorphisms among Pathogen Strains
Author(s):      Dong. S      Qutob. D      Tedman-Jones. J      Kuflu. K      Wang. Y      Tyler. B. M      Gijzen. M
Source:Plose One ;  2009  [Vol.4]  Pages:0-0
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6 :Conversion of compatible plant-pathogen interactions into incompatible interactions by expression of the Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 hrmA gene in transgenic tobacco plants
Author(s):      Shen. S      Li. Q      He. S. -Y      Barker. K. R      Li. D      Hunt. A. G
Source:Plant Journal ;  2000  [Vol.23]  Pages:205-213    DOI:10.1046/j.1365-313x.2000.00772.x
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7 :Exploration of the late stages of the tomato– Phytophthora parasitica interactions through histological analysis and generation of expressed sequence tags
Author(s):      Berre. J. -Y. L      Engler. G      Panabičres. F
Source:New Phytologist ;  2007  [Vol.177]  Pages:480-492    DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02269.x
Abstract                                                               Request the Article

8 :Copy Number Variation and Transcriptional Polymorphisms of Phytophthora sojae RXLR Effector Genes Avr1a and Avr3a
Author(s):      Qutob. D      Tedman-Jones. J      Dong. S      Kuflu. K      Pham. H      Wang. Y      Dou. D      Kale. S. D
Source:Plose One ;  2009  [Vol.4]  Pages:0-0
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9 :Genetic and Physical Mapping of Avr1a in Phytophthora sojae
Author(s):      Gregor. T. M      Bhattacharyya. M      Tyler. B      Bhat. R      Schmitthenner. A. F      Gijzen. M
Source:Genetics ;  2002  [Vol.160]  Pages:949-959
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10 :Conserved C-Terminal Motifs Required for Avirulence and Suppression of Cell Death by Phytophthora sojae effector Avr1b
Author(s):      Dou. D      Kale. S. D      Wang. X      Chen. Y      Wang. Q      Xia. W      Jiang. R. H. Y      Arredondo. F. D      Anderson. R. G      Thakur. P. B      McDowell. J. M      Wang. Y      Tyler. B. M
Source:The Plant Cell ;  2008  [Vol.20]  Pages:1118-1113    DOI:10.1105/tpc.107.057067
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