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Plant- pathogen interactions: 104 Literatures Found
51 :Isolation and characterization of NgRLK1, a receptor-like kinase of Nicotiana glutinosa that interacts with the elicitin of Phytophthora capsici
Author(s):      Kim. Y. T      Lee. B. M      Kim. Y. -T      Kim. K. H      Uhm. J. Y
Source:Molecular Biology Report ;  2009  [Vol.37]  Pages:717-727    DOI:10.1007/s11033-009-9570-y
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52 :Expressed Sequence Tags from Phytophthora sojae Expressed Sequence Tags from Phytophthora sojae Reveal Genes Specific to Development and Infection Reveal Genes Specific to Development and Infection
Author(s):      Torto-Alalibo. T. A      Tripathy. S      Smith. B. M      Arredondo. F. D      Zhou. L      Li. H      Chibucos. M. C      Qutob. D
Source:Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions ;  2007  [Vol.20]  Pages:781-793    DOI:10.1094/MPMI-20-7-0781
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53 :Cytological Characterization of Elicitin-Induced Protection in Tobacco Plants Infected by Phytophthora parasitica or Phytoplasma
Author(s):      Lherminier. J      Boudon-Padieu. E      Nicole. M      Benhamou. N      Larrue. J      Milat. M. L      Blein. J. P
Source:Phytopathology ;  2003  [Vol.93]  Pages:1308-1319    DOI:10.1094/PHYTO.2003.93.10.1308
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54 :Differences in Intensity and Specificity of Hypersensitive Response Induction in Nicotiana spp. by INF1, INF2A, and INF2B of Phytophthora infestans
Author(s):      Huitema. E      Govers. F      Vleeshouwers. V. G. A. A      Cakir. C      Kamoun. S
Source:Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions ;  2005  [Vol.18]  Pages:183-193    DOI:10.1094/MPMI-18-0183
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55 :Molecular breeding for resistance to Phytophthora infestans,/i> (Mont.) de Bary in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.): a perspective of cisgenesis
Author(s):      Park. T. H      Visser. R. G. F      Vleeshouwers. V. G. A. A      Jacobsen. E      Vossen. V. D
Source:Plant Breeding ;  2009  [Vol.128]  Pages:109-117    DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0523.2008.01619.x
Abstract                                                               Request the Article

56 :Molecular Genetics of Pathogenic Oomycetes
Author(s):      Kamoun. S
Source:Eukaryotic Cell ;  2003  [Vol.2]  Pages:191-199    DOI:10.1128/EC.2.2.191-199.2003
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57 :Inheritance and mapping of 11 avirulence genes in Phytophthora sojae
Author(s):      May. K. J      Irwin. J. A. G      Maclean. D. J      Whisson. S. C      Zwart. R.S      Searle. I. R      Carroll. B. J      Drenth. A
Source:Fungal Genetics and Biology ;  2002  [Vol.37]  Pages:1-12    DOI:10.1016/S1087-1845(02)00027-0
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58 :Ancient Origin of Elicitin Gene Clusters in Phytophthora Genomes
Author(s):      Jiang. R. H. Y      Govers. F      Tyler. B. M      Whisson. S. C      Hardham. A. R
Source:Molecular Biology and Evolution ;  2006  [Vol.23]  Pages:338-351    DOI:10.1093/molbev/msj039
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59 :Cloning Expression and Characterization of Protein Elicitors from the Soyabean Pathogenic Fungus Phytophthora sojae
Author(s):      Becker. J      Nagel. S      Tenhaken. R
Source:Journal of Phytopathology ;  2000  [Vol.148]  Pages:161-167    DOI:10.1046/j.1439-0434.2000.00053.x
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60 :Agroinfection-based high-throughput screening reveals specific recognition of INF elicitins in Solanum
Author(s):      Vleeshouwers. V. G. A. A      Driesprong. J. D      Kamphuis. L. G      Torto-Alalibo. T      Slot. K. A. E. V      Govers. F      Visser. R. G. F      Jacobsen. E
Source:Molecular Plant Pathology ;  2006  [Vol.7]  Pages:499-510    DOI:10.1111/j.1364-3703.2006.00355.x
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