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Plant- pathogen interactions: 104 Literatures Found
21 :The Downy Mildew Effector Proteins ATR1 and ATR13 Promote Disease Susceptibility in Arabidopsis thaliana
Author(s):      Sohn. K. H      Lei. R      Nemri. A      Jones. J. D. G
Source:The Plant Cell ;  2007  [Vol.19]  Pages:4077-4090    DOI:10.1105/tpc.107.054262
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22 :Involvement of cathepsin B in the plant disease resistance hypersensitive response
Author(s):      Gilroy. E. M      Hein. I      Hoorn. R. V. D      Boevink. P. C      Venter. E      McLellan. H      Kaffarnik. F      Hrubikova. K
Source:The Plant Journal ;  2007  [Vol.52]  Pages:1-13    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2007.03226.x
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23 :Occurrence of the R1 allele conferring resistance to late blight in potato R-gene differentials and commercial cultivars
Author(s):      Trognitz. B. R      Trognitz. F. C
Source:Plant Pathology ;  2007  [Vol.56]  Pages:150-155    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2006.01489.x
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24 :Analysis of differentially expressed genes in a susceptible and moderately resistant potato cultivar upon Phytophthora infestans infection
Author(s):      Ros. B      Thummler. F      Wenzel. G
Source:Molecular Plant Pathology ;  2004  [Vol.5(3)]  Pages:191-201    DOI:10.1111/j.1364-3703.2004.00221.x
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25 :Molecular basis of recognition between Phytophthora Pathogens and their hosts
Author(s):      Tyler. B. M
Source:Annu. Rev. Phytopathology ;  2002  [Vol.40]  Pages:137-167    DOI:10.1146/annurev.phyto.40.120601.125310
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26 :Characterization of Phytophthora infestans genes regulated during the interaction with potato
Author(s):      Beyer. K      Jimenez. S. J      Randall. T. A      Lam. S      Binder. A      Boller. T      Collinge. M. A
Source:Molecular Plant Pathology ;  2002  [Vol.3(6)]  Pages:473-485    DOI:10.1046/j.1364-3703.2002.00143.x
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27 :Identification of potato genes induced during colonization by Phytophthora infestans
Author(s):      Beyer. K      Binder. A      Boller. T      Collinge. M
Source:Molecular Plant Pathology ;  2001  [Vol.2]  Pages:125-134    DOI:10.1046/j.1364-3703.2001.00059.x
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28 :Adaptive Evolution Has Targeted the C-Terminal Domain of the RXLR Effectors of Plant Pathogenic Oomycetes
Author(s):      Win. J      Morgan. W      Bos. J      Krasileva. K. V      Cano. L. M      Chaparro-Garcia. A      Ammar. R      Staskawicz. B. J      Kamoun. S
Source:The Plant Cell ;  2007  [Vol.19]  Pages:2349-2369    DOI:10.1105/tpc.107.051037
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29 :Insights from Sequencing Fungal and Oomycete Genomes: What Can We Learn about Plant Disease and the Evolution of Pathogenicity?
Author(s):      Soanes. D. M
Source:The Plant Cell ;  2007  [Vol.19]  Pages:3318-3326    DOI:10.1105/tpc.107.056663
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30 :Cellulose Binding Domains of a Phytophthora Cell Wall Protein Are Novel Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns
Author(s):      Gaulin. E      Drame. N      Lafitte. C      Torto-Alalibo. T      Martinez. Y      Ameline-Torregrosa. C      Khatib. M      Mazarguil. H
Source:The Plant Cell ;  2006  [Vol.18]  Pages:1766-1777    DOI:10.1105/tpc.105.038687
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