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Management: 84 Literatures Found
81 :Activities of essential oils from Asarum heterotropoides var. mandshuricum against five phytopathogens
Author(s):      Dan. Y      Liu. H. -Y      Gao. W. -W      Chen. S. -L
Source:Crop Protection ;  2010  [Vol.29]  Pages:295-299    DOI:10.1016/j.cropro.2009.12.007
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82 :Phosphonate applied by trunk injection controls stem canker and decreases Phytophthora pod rot (black pod) incidence in cocoa in Sulawesi
Author(s):      McMahon. P. J      Purwantara. A      Wahab. A      Imron. M      Lambert. S      Keane. P. J      Guest. D. I
Source:Australasian Plant Pathology ;  2010  [Vol.39]  Pages:170-175    DOI:10.1071/AP09078
Abstract                                                               Request the Article

83 :Volatile organic compounds as a diagnostic marker of late blight infected potato plants: A pilot study
Author(s):      Laothawornkitkul. J      Jansen. R. M. C      Smid. H. M      Bouwmeester. H. J      Muller. J      Bruggen. A. H. C. V
Source:Crop Protection ;  2010  [Vol.]  Pages:1-7    DOI:10.1016/j.cropro.2010.03.003
Abstract                                                               Request the Article

84 :Management of bacterial wilt in tomatoes with thymol and acibenzolar-S-methyl
Author(s):      Jason C. Hong      Timur Momol. M      Pingsheng Ji      Stephen M. Olson      James Colee      Jeffrey B. Jones
Source:Crop Protection ;  2011  [Vol.30]  Pages:1340-1345    DOI:10.1016/j.cropro.2011.05.019
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