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Management: 84 Literatures Found
1 :The Effects of Inorganic Elements on the Reduction of Phytophthora Stem Rot Disease of Soybean, the Growth Rate and Zoospore Release of Phytophthora sojae
Author(s):      Sugimoto. T      Matsuyama. M      Maekawa. K      Watanabe. K      Yoshida. S      Aino. M      Irie. K
Source:Journal of Phytopathology ;  2007  [Vol.155]  Pages:97-107    DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0434.2007.01196.x
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2 :Effects of Some Plant Materials on Phytophthora Blight (Phytophthora capsici Leon.) of Pepper
Author(s):      Demirci. F      Dolar. F. S
Source:Turkish Journal of Agriculture And Forestry ;  2006  [Vol.30]  Pages:247-252
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3 :Phytophthora cryptogea as a cause of root rot of raspberry in Australia; resistance of raspberry cuitivars and control by fungicides
Author(s):      Washington. W. S
Source:Plant Pathology ;  1988  [Vol.37]  Pages:225-230    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-3059.1988.tb02068.x
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4 :Investigating the role of ABC transporters in multifungicide insensitivity in Phytophthora infestans
Author(s):      Judelson. H. S      Senthil. G
Source:Molecular Plant Pathology ;  2006  [Vol.7]  Pages:17-29    DOI:10.1111/j.1364-3703.2005.00313.x
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5 :Screening Study of Potential Lead Compounds for Natural Product-based Fungicides Against Phytophthora Species
Author(s):      Fernandez-Acero. F. J      Cantoral. J      Vallejo. I      Carbu. M      Garrido. C      Collado. I. G
Source:Journal of Phytopathology ;  2006  [Vol.154]  Pages:616-621    DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0434.2006.01156.x
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6 :Antagonistic effects of metabolites of Pseudomonas fluorescens strains on the different growth phases of Phytophthora capsici, foot rot pathogen of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)
Author(s):      Paul. D      Sarma. Y. R
Source:Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection ;  2006  [Vol.39]  Pages:113-118    DOI:10.1080/03235400500301182
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7 :Fungicide spray schedule for economical management of potato late blight
Author(s):      Shailbala      Pundhir. V. S
Source:Pantnagar Journal of Research ;  2008  [Vol.6]  Pages:114-117
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8 :Efficacy of essential oil sand biopesticides on suppression in laboratory and growth chamber studies
Author(s):      Olanya. O. M      Larkin. P
Source:Biocontrol Science and Technology ;  2006  [Vol.16]  Pages:901-917    DOI:10.1080/09583150600827918
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9 :Manejo Biologico de Phytophthora capsici Leo., Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend.:Fr. y Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn en Jitomate {Lycopersicon esculentum Mili.)
Author(s):      Fernandez-Herrera. E       Acosta-Ramos. M      Ponce-Gonzalez. F      Manuel-Pinto. V
Source:Revista Mexicana de Fitopatologi ;  2007  [Vol.25]  Pages:35-42
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10 :PHYTOPHTHORA RAMORUM: Integrative Research and Management of an Emerging Pathogenin California and Oregon Forests
Author(s):      Rizzo. D. M      Garbelotto. M      Hansen. E. M
Source:Annual Review of Phytopathology ;  2005  [Vol.43]  Pages:309-335    DOI:10.1146/annurev.phyto.42.040803.140418
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