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Phytophthora cryptogea as a cause of root rot of raspberry in Australia; resistance of raspberry cuitivars and control by fungicides
Washington. W. S      
Plant Pathology ;  1988  [Vol.37]  Pages:225-230
Phytophthora cryptogea was isolated from field plantings of the red raspberry cultivars Glen Clova, Canby and Willamette which showed wilting, dieback, stem lesions and root rotting. Pathogenicity of P.cryptogea to raspberry was demonstrated in glasshouse experiments. Twelve cultivars of raspberry were screened for resistance to the disease by growing them in artificially infested soil. Glen Clova and Canby were highly susceptible whilst Chilcotin, Nootka, Haida and Puyallup were resistant. Soil treatments with either metalaxyl, phosphorous acid or fosetyl aluminium controlled the disease. This is the first record of a phytophthora root rot of raspberry in Australia, and the first demonstrating the pathogenicity of P. cryptogea to raspberry.
phytophthora cryptogea