Download and Launch GenomeView
GenomeView is a stand-alone sequence browser specifically designed to visualize and manipulate a multitude of genomics data interactively. GenomeView enables users to dynamically browse high volumes of aligned short read data, with dynamic navigation and semantic zooming, from the whole genome level to the single nucleotide. At the same time, the tool enables visualization of whole genome alignments of dozens of genomes relative to a reference sequence. GenomeView is unique in it capability to interactively handle huge data sets consisting of dozens of aligned genomes, thousands of annotation features and millions of mapped short reads both as viewer and editor.
GenomeView requires Java Web Start, which is included with recent versions of the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java 2 Standard Edition SDK (J2SE SDK). IGB requires at least Java version 6 (JRE 1.6) or higher. Download the most recent version of Java by using the following button.
You will need to restart your browser after installing Java.