SpiceCom: A database of phytochemicals in major spices

Crop: Black Pepper
Total No. of activities: 36
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Hirata N, Tokunaga M, Naruto S, Iinuma M, Matsuda H(2007). Testosterone 5alpha-reductase inhibitory active constituents of Piper nigrum leaf. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin. 30(12):2402-5. DOI: 10.1248/bpb.30.2402
  • 5-Alpha-Reductase-Inhibitor : (-)-3,4-dimethoxy-3,4-desmethylenedioxycubebin
  • 5-Alpha-Reductase-Inhibitor : (-)-cubebin
  • 5-Alpha-Reductase-Inhibitor : Piperine
  • Melanogenic : (-)-3,4-dimethoxy-3,4-desmethylenedioxycubebin
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