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Resistance:  218 Literatures Found
1 :A quantitative trait locus influencing tolerance to Phytophthora root rot in the soybean cultivar 'Conrad'
Author(s):      Weng. C      Yu. K      Anderson. T. R      Poysa. V
Source:Euphytica ;  2007  [Vol.158 Issue 1/2]  Pages:81-86    DOI:10.1007/s10681-007-9428-0
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2 :Differential gene expression in two potato lines differing in their resistance to Phytophthora infestans
Author(s):      Evers. D      Ghislain. M      Hausman. J. -F      Dommes. J
Source:Journal of Plant Physiology ;  2003  [Vol.160]  Pages:709-712
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3 :Dissection of foliage and tuber late blight resistance in mapping populations of potato
Author(s):      Park. T. H      Visser. R. G.F      Vleeshouwers. V. G. A. A      Kim. J. B      Hutten. R. C.B
Source:Euphytica ;  2005  [Vol.143]  Pages:75-83    DOI:10.1007/s10681-005-2658-0
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4 :Generation and Screening of a BAC Library from a Diploid Potato Clone to Unravel Durable Late Blight Resistance on Linkage Group IV
Author(s):      Hein. I      Lean. K. M      Chalhoub. B      Bryan. G. J
Source:International Journal of Plant Genomics ;  2007  [Vol.2007]  Pages:0-0    DOI:10.1155/2007/51421
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5 :Genetic linkage of QTLs for late blight resistance and foliage maturity type in six related potato progenies
Author(s):      Visker. M. H. P. W      Heilersig. H. J. B      Kodde. L. P      Vande. W. W. E      Voorrips. R. E      Struik. P. C      Colon. L.T
Source:Euphytica ;  2005  [Vol.143]  Pages:189-199    DOI:10.1007/s10681-005-3444-8
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6 :Genetic mapping of resistance factors to Phytophthora palmivora in cocoa
Author(s):      Flament. M. H      Kebe. I      Clement. D      Pieretti. I      Risterucci. A. M      NGoran. J. A. K      Cilas. C      Despreaux. D
Source:Genome ;  2001  [Vol.44]  Pages:79-85    DOI:10.1139/gen-44-1-79
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7 :Identification of QTLs underlying water-logging tolerance in soybean
Author(s):      Cornelious. B      Chen. P      Chen. Y      Leon. N. D      Shannon. J.G      Wang. D
Source:Molecular Breeding ;  2005  [Vol.16]  Pages:103-112    DOI:10.1007/s11032-005-5911-2
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8 :QTL analysis of quantitative resistance to Phytophthora infestans (late blight) in tomato and comparisons with potato
Author(s):      Brouwer. D. J      Jones. E. S      Clair. D. A. S
Source:Genome ;  2004  [Vol.47]  Pages:475-492    DOI:10.1139/g04-001
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9 :Marker-assisted introgression of 4 Phytophthora capsici resistance QTL alleles into a bell pepper line: validation of additive and epistatic effects
Author(s):      Thabuis. A      Palloix. A      Servin. B      Daubeze. A. M      Signoret. P      Hospital. F      Lefebvre. V
Source:Molecular Breeding ;  2004  [Vol.14]  Pages:9-20    DOI:10.1023/B:MOLB.0000037991.38278.82
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10 :Resistance of Phytophthora capsici to metalaxyl in plastic-house capsicum crops in southern Italy
Author(s):      Agosteo. G.E      Raudino. F      Cacciola. S.O
Source:Eppo Bulletin ;  2000  [Vol.30]  Pages:257-261    DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2338.2000.tb00891.x
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