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QTL analysis of quantitative resistance to Phytophthora infestans (late blight) in tomato and comparisons with potato
Brouwer. D. J      Jones. E. S      Clair. D. A. S      
Genome ;  2004  [Vol.47]  Pages:475-492
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for resistance to Phytophthora infestans (late blight) were mapped in tomato. Reciprocal backcross populations derived from cultivated Lycopersicon esculentum × wild Lycopersicon hirsutum (BC-E, backcross to L. esculentum; BC-H, backcross to L. hirsutum) were phenotyped in three types of replicated disease assays (detached-leaflet, whole-plant, and field). Linkage maps were constructed for each BC population with RFLPs. Resistance QTLs were identified on all 12 tomato chromosomes using composite interval mapping. Six QTLs in BC-E (lb1a, lb2a, lb3, lb4, lb5b, and lb11b) and two QTLs in BC-H (lb5ab and lb6ab) were most consistently detected in replicated experiments or across assay methods. Lycopersicon hirsutum alleles conferred resistance at all QTLs except lb2a. Resistance QTLs coincided with QTLs for inoculum droplet dispersal on leaves, a trait in L. hirsutum that may contribute to resistance, and dispersal was mainly associated with leaf resistance. Some P. infestans resistance QTLs detected in tomato coincided with chromosomal locations of previously mapped R genes and QTLs for resistance to P. infestans in potato, suggesting functional conservation of resistance within the Solanaceae.
late blight
lycopersicon hirsutum
qtl mapping
disease resistance