ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research,Kozhikode

Recruitment 2020

Online Application Portal

Apply online Check application status Notification Instructions IISR

Instructions to candidates

  1. Fill in the application carefully. Information once submitted cannot modified later.
  2. All fields marked * are required.
  3. Avoid special symbols and signs as far as possible while entering data.
  4. All the dates must be in exact yyyy-mm-dd format in case the date-picker is not available in your browser.
  5. All uploaded files must be clear, legible, in PDF format. i.e. with extenstion .pdf or .PDF. and must not be larger than 1MB.
  6. After applying, you may check the status of your application by visiting the link 'check application status' in the top menu.
  7. Please contact us at iisrcalicut@gmail.com for any queries.
Online application portal of ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode, Kerala ©2020