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P h y t o p h t h o r a ....D i s e a s e s.... i n .....H o r t i c u l t u r a l ....C r o p s

Diseases caused by P.erythroseptica   in Potato
Pink tuber rot

P.erythroseptica was first described as the casual agent of pink rot of potato tubers in Ireland. Sporangia are nonpapillate and ellipsoid, ovoid, obpyriform or distorted in shape.often with a constriction distal to the middle .antheridia are amphigynous, elongated and cylindrical. Oospores or aplerotis.

P.erythroseptica infecting Crops
Designed and Developed by: Alias E., Shaji A., M. Anandaraj and S.J. Eapen, Bioinformatics Centre, IISR, Calicut.