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P h y t o p h t h o r a ....D i s e a s e s.... i n .....H o r t i c u l t u r a l ....C r o p s

Diseases caused by P.arecae   in Potato
Pink tuber rot

P.arecae was first isolated from the leafs fruits,peduncles and apexes of aecanut trees in India. P.arecae is classified in group II . Sporangia are papillate with shapes varying from very broad ellipsoidal to obturbinate to almost spherical with a tapered base. Sporangiophores are irregularly branched or in a simple sympodium. The species is normally heterothallic having globose oogonia and amphigynous antheridia. Optimum temperature for growth is between 27oC and 30oC.

P.arecae infecting Crops
Designed and Developed by: Alias E., Shaji A., M. Anandaraj and S.J. Eapen, Bioinformatics Centre, IISR, Calicut.