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P h y t o p h t h o r a ....D i s e a s e s.... i n .....H o r t i c u l t u r a l ....C r o p s

Diseases in Blackpepper
Foot rot
Nursery infection
Nursery infection

Phytophthora infection is noticed on leaves, stems and roots of cuttings in the nursery. Dark spots with fimbriate margins appear on the leaves, which spread rapidly resulting in defoliation. The infection on the stem is seen as black lesions which result in blight. The symptoms on the roots appear as rotting of the entire root system.
Species infecting Blackpepper
Designed and Developed by: Alias E., Shaji A., M. Anandaraj and S.J. Eapen, Bioinformatics Centre, IISR, Calicut.