Citrus vein enation virus

Family   : Luteoviridae
Genus : Enamovirus
Acronym : CVEV


Citrus vein enation virus belonging to the genus Enamovirus infects citrus spp resulting in woody galls.

Major Diseases

Woody Gall Disease

Geographical Distribution

Assam, Maharashtra and south India.

Particle Morphology

Spherical virus particles of 27 nm in diameter.

Transmission Method

The virus is transmitted by vector Toxoptera citricidus; transmitted by bud grafting; not seed transmitted.


Citrus vein enation virus (CVEV) can be detected by grafting bark chips of suspect material on woody indicators.

Host Range and Symptomatology

Citrus plantsFormation of small papillae or projections in the leaf underside and the corresponding indentations in the upper-side at scattered locations on leaf veins


1 Citrus vein enation virus. [Distribution map].. 2004, Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases, April (Edition 1), pp Map 909.
2 Dubey, L. N., Occurrence of wound tumour and woody gall virus diseases of citrus in India.. 1985, Indian Journal of Virology, 1, 1, pp 97-98.
3 Mali, V. R. ; Chaudhuri, K. G. ; Rane, S. D., The vein-enation virus disease of citrus in India.. 1976, publ. 1977, Indian Phytopathology, 29, 1, pp 43-45.
4 Mali, V. R. ; Choudhari, K. G. ; Rane, S. D., Vein enation and woody gall virus diseases of citrus.. 1975, FAO Plant Protection Bulletin, 23, 6, pp 190-192.
5 Manjunath, K. L., Studies on vein enation virus disease of Citrus in South India.. 1987, Indian Journal of Plant Pathology, 5, 2, pp 121-125.