Datura mosaic virus

Family   : Potyviridae
Genus : Potyvirus
Acronym : DTMV


First reported in Datura metel from Aligarh, commonly seen affecting Datura plants.

Major Diseases

Mosaic disease

Geographical Distribution

Himachal Pradesh, Utter Pradesh and north eastern states

Particle Morphology

The virus elongated, flexuous filamentous particle of length of 712 nm and 11-13 nm wide.

Transmission Method

Virus transmitted by mechanical inoculation; not by seed.


PCR and ELISA methods are used for detection of virus.

Host Range and Symptomatology

Datura metel Mosaic, blistering and shoe-stringing.


1 Qureshi, S., & Mahmood, K., Purification and properties of Datura mosaic virus.. 1978, Journal of Phytopathology, 93, 2, pp 113-119.