Eggplant mottled crinkle virus

Family   : Tombusviridae
Genus : Tombusvirus
Acronym : EMCV


Eggplant mottled crinkle virus causes leaf crinkle, stem necrosis and stunting symptoms. The virus was identified as a strain of EMCV based on host reactions, invitro properties, particle morphology, coat protein molecular weight and serological relationship studies.

Major Diseases

Mottle and Crinckle Disease

Geographical Distribution

Uttar Pradesh

Particle Morphology

The virus is isometric particle of 37-40 nm in size

Transmission Method

Virus transmitted by mechanical inoculation and not by aphids.



Host Range and Symptomatology

Capsicum annuumMosaic, Leaf srinkle and stunting
S. capsicastrum Leaf crinkle, stem necrosis and stunting
Solanum melongenaRing spots, Leaf crinkle mosaic and stunting.


1 Raj, S. K. ; Srivastava, K. M. ; Aslam, M. ; Singh, B. P., Occurrence of a strain of eggplant mottled crinkle virus in Solanum capsicastrum in India.. 1988, Plant Pathology, 37, 4, pp 599-603.