Horsegram yellow mosaic virus

Family   : Geminiviridae
Genus : Begomovirus
Acronym : HgYMV


Horsegram yellow mosaic virus (HYMV) is a plant pathogenic virus that cause yellow mosaic disease in different leguminous species. It is a whitefly transmitted virus, the severity of the disease increases during summer months.

Major Diseases

Yellow Mosaic Disease

Geographical Distribution

Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka.

Particle Morphology

Geminate virus particles 15-18 x 30 nm.

Transmission Method

Transmitted by a vector Bemisia tabaci (Aleyrodidae) in a persistent manner; Virus not transmitted by mechanical inoculation; not transmitted by seed.



Host Range and Symptomatology

Mucuna pruriens (Velvet bean) Severe mosaic, downward curling of the leaves, stunting
Macrotyloma uniflorum (horsegram) Mosaic, mottling and yellowing.
Vigna subterraneaMosaic, mottling and yellowing.
Phaseolus vulgarisMosaic, mottling and yellowing.
GroundnutMosaic, mottling and yellowing.
P. lunatusMosaic, mottling and yellowing.
Vigna radiataMosaic, mottling and yellowing.
Pigeon pea and soyabeanMosaic, mottling and yellowing.


1 Barnabas, A. D. ; Radhakrishnan, G. K. ; Usha Ramakrishnan, Characterization of a begomovirus causing horsegram yellow mosaic disease in India.. 2010, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 127, 1, pp 41-51.
2 Harrison, B. D. ; Muniyappa, V. ; Swanson, M. M. ; Roberts, I. M. ; Robinson, D. J., Recognition and differentiation of seven whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses from India, and their relationships to African cassava mosaic and Thailand mung bean yellow mosaic viruses.. 1991, Annals of Applied Biology, 118, 2, pp 299-308.
3 Muniyappa, V., Epidemiology of yellow mosaic disease of horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) in southern India.. 1983, 2, pp 331-335.
4 Muniyappa, V. ; Rajeshwari, R. ; Bharathan, N. ; Reddy, D. V. R. ; Nolt, B. L., Isolation and characterization of a geminivirus causing yellow mosaic disease of horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.) in India.. 1987, Journal of Phytopathology, 119, 1, pp 81-87.
5 Muniyappa, V. ; Reddy, H. R., Indigofera hirsuta a natural reservoir of horsegram yellow mosaic virus.. 1979, Madras Agricultural Journal, 66, 5, pp 350.
6 Muniyappa, V. ; Veeresh, G. K., Plant virus diseases transmitted by whiteflies in Karnataka.. 1984, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Animal Sciences, 93, 4, pp 397-406.
7 Naik, R. G., Effect of date of sowing on disease incidence and yields of horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) Lamverdec.. 2001, Legume Research, 24, 3, pp 182-185.


Complete Sequence
 KC019307.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus isolate India:Banglore:French bean:2011 segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
 KC019306.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus isolate India:Banglore:French bean:2011 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
 KP752089.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus clone pBdBg04 segment DNA-B, complete sequence.
 KP752088.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus clone pBdBg04 segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
 AM932426.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus segment DNA-B complete sequence, isolate french bean.
 AM932425.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus segment DNA-A complete sequence, isolate french bean.
 AM932430.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus segment DNA-B complete sequence, isolate lima bean.
 AM932429.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus segment DNA-A complete sequence, isolate lima bean.
 AM932428.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus segment DNA-B complete sequence, isolate horse gram.
 AM932427.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus segment DNA-A complete sequence, isolate horse gram.
 NC_005636.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus DNA B, complete genome.
 NC_005635.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus, complete genome.
Partial Sequence
 KR053204.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus isolate Chittoor segment DNA-A, partial sequence.
 AJ627905.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus bv1 gene and bc1 gene.
 AJ627904.1 Horsegram yellow mosaic virus ac4 gene, av1 gene, ac1 gene, ac2 gene, ac3 gene and av2 gene.