Peanut veinal chlorosis virus

Family   : Rhabdoviridae
Genus : Cytorhabdovirus
Acronym : PVCV


First reported in Arachis hypogaea from India. It causes stunting of plants, veinal chlorosis, outward bending of leaflets and proliferation of axillery buds.

Major Diseases

Veinal Chlorosis Disease

Geographical Distribution

Andhra Pradesh.

Particle Morphology

Particles of 330 x 60 nm, showed a nucleocapsid with cross-striations surrounded by an envelope membrane.

Transmission Method

Not known. Not by mechanical inoculation/seed.


Electron microscopy.

Host Range and Symptomatology

Arachis hypogaea (Groundnut) Leaflets showing veinal chlorosis, outward bending, proliferation of axillery buds and stunting of plants.


1 Naidu, R. A.; Manohar, S. K.; Reddy, D. V. R.; Reddy, A. S., A plant rhabdovirus associated with peanut veinal chlorosis disease in India.. 1989, Plant Pathology, 38, 4, pp 623-626.