Potato virus S

Family   : Betaflexiviridae
Genus : Carlavirus
Acronym : PVS


Potato virus S (PVS) is a plant pathogenic virus usually affects only potato plants.

Major Diseases

Yield decrease Disease

Geographical Distribution

Wide spread in potato growing regions in India.

Particle Morphology

A virus with straight to slightly curved filamentous particles 650 x 12 nm.

Transmission Method

Transmitted by a vector; an insect; Myzus persicae in a non-persistent manner. Virus transmitted by mechanical inoculation.



Host Range and Symptomatology

Solanum tuberosum (Potato) Symptom-less on majority of the cultivars with occasional mild leaf symptoms of rugosity,vein deepening and leaf bronzing.


1 Garg, I. D. ; Vinayak Hegde, Biological characterization, preservation and ultrastructural studies of Andean strain of potato virus S.. 2000, Indian Phytopathology, 53, 3, pp 256-260.
2 Raizada, R. K. ; Srivastava, K. M. ; Singh, B. P., Characterization of a virus causing mosaic disease in Petunia hybrida.. 1984, International Journal of Tropical Plant Diseases, 2, 2, pp 105-116.
3 Shiv Kumar ; Sarjeet Singh ; Chaubey, I. P. ; Jeswani, M. D. ; Khanna, R. N. ; Rai, R. P. ; Sharma, J. ; Garg, V. K. ; Ravichandran, G. ; Shatrughna Singh ; Bhardwaj, V. P., Impact of ELISA testing on health improvement of nucleus seed potato.. 2000, 2, pp 426-429.
4 Singh, M. N. ; Khurana, S. M. P., An aphid transmissible strain of potato virus S.. 1986, Indian Journal of Virology, 2, 2, pp 136-144.


Partial Sequence
 GU369814.1 Potato virus S nonfunctional coat protein gene, complete sequence.
 FJ643622.1 Potato virus S strain Andean coat protein gene, complete cds.
 DQ786653.1 Potato virus S strain PVS-O coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
 GU256061.1 Potato virus S from India coat protein (CP) gene, complete cds.
 JN865169.1 Potato virus S nonfunctional coat protein gene, partial sequence.