Wheat dwarf India virus

Family   : Geminiviridae
Genus : Mastrevirus
Acronym : WDIV


Wheat dwarf India virus (WDIV) is a member of the Mastrevirus, the disease caused by which is characterized dwarfing, yellowing of leaves and sterile spikes on plants with extreme dwarfing of plants. Agroinoculation of young wheat plants with an infectious clone of the virus resulted in dwarfing of plants, identical to what was observed in the field, confirming that this novel virus was the causative agent of the disease.

Major Diseases

Dwarfing disease

Geographical Distribution

Northern India

Particle Morphology

Geminate particles

Transmission Method

By leaf hopper in persistent manner.


ELISA, PCR and rolling circle amplification

Host Range and Symptomatology



1 Jitendra Kumar; Singh, S. P.; Jitesh Kumar; Rakesh Tuli, A novel mastrevirus infecting wheat in India.. 2012, Archives of Virology, 157, 10, pp 2031-2034.


Complete Sequence
 KJ028209.1 Wheat dwarf India virus clone W5SK5, complete genome.
 NC_017828.1 Wheat dwarf India virus, complete genome.
 JQ361911.1 Wheat dwarf India virus isolate Wellington, complete genome.
 JQ361910.1 Wheat dwarf India virus, complete genome.
 JF781306.2 Wheat dwarf India virus clone IN:Wel:WO1, complete genome.