Tobacco leaf curl Pusa virus

Family   : Geminiviridae
Genus : Begomovirus
Acronym : TbLCPuV


Tobacco leaf curl disease has been known for a century. It is known to cause serious losses in tobacco production over 75 years. So far 11 distinct monopartite and one bipartite begomoviruses have been identified to cause leaf curl diseases of tobacco in various parts of the world. Tobacco cabbaging virus, Tobacco curly leaf virus, Tobacco frenching virus, Tobacco leaf curl virus 1, Tomato yellow dwarf virus are few strains reported.

Major Diseases

Leaf curling and stunting

Geographical Distribution

Wide spread in tobacco growing regions.

Particle Morphology

Geminate particles measuring 15-20 x 25-30 nm.

Transmission Method

Transmitted by a vector; an insect; Bemisia tabaci; Aleyrodidae in a persistent manner, transmitted by mechanical inoculation; not transmitted by seed.


ELISA, PCR and rolling circle amplification.

Host Range and Symptomatology

Capsicum annuumLeaf curling and stunting.
Datura stramoniumLeaf curling.
Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco)Thickening of leaf veins, severe leaf curling, leaf enations, decrease in leaf size and stunting of plants.


1 Tobacco leaf curl virus. [Distribution map].. 1975, Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases, October (Edition 3), pp Map 147.
2 Bodhade, S. N. ; Shegaonkar, A. T. ; Borle, M. N., Efficacy of some synthetic insecticides in the control of chilli leaf curl.. 1985, Pesticides, 19, 3, pp 23-25.
3 Datar, V. V., Chemical control of chilli leaf curl complex in Maharashtra.. 1980, Pesticides, 14, 9, pp 19-20.
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5 Mathura Rai ; Neeraj Singh ; Singh, B. ; Major Singh, Performance of improved varieties of solanaceous vegetable crops at farmers' field in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.. 2005, Vegetable Science, 32, 1, pp 69-72.
6 Mayee, C. D. ; Kanwar, J. S. ; Nandpuri, K. S., The comparative performance of different genotypes of tomato vis-a-vis leaf curl and mosaic.. 1974, Journal of Research, Punjab Agricultural University, 11, 4, pp 362-364.
7 Mayee, C. D. ; Kaul, D. L. ; Thakur, M. R., A method for field evaluation of resistance of chilli to leaf curl disease.. 1975, Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 82, 10, pp 566-569.
8 Padmanabhan, C. ; Pathmanabhan, G., A leaf curl disease of Zinnia elegans Jacq.. 1978, Current Research, 6, pp 100-101.
9 Patel, B. N. ; Patel, R. C., Evaluation of tobacco germplasm for leaf curl infection.. 1987, Tobacco Research, 13, 1, pp 85-87.
10 Paximadis, M. ; Muniyappa, V. ; Rey, M. E. C., A mixture of begomoviruses in leaf curl-affected tobacco in Karnataka, South India.. 2001, Annals of Applied Biology, 139, 1, pp 101-109.
11 Prasad, B. ; Verma, O. P. ; Daftari, L. N., Effect of leaf curl disease on seed and oil quality of sesame (Sesame indicum L.).. 1985, Current Science, India, 54, 8, pp 388-389.
12 Sastry, K. S. M. ; Singh, S. J. ; Sastry, K. S., Effect of border cropping and the use of insecticide in relation to the incidence of tomato leaf curl virus (TLCV).. 1977, Indian Journal of Horticulture, 34, 3, pp 319-322.
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Complete Sequence
 NC_014596.1 Tobacco leaf curl Pusa virus DNA-A, complete genome.
Partial Sequence
 HQ180391.1 Tobacco leaf curl Pusa virus strain IN:Pusa:Tb:10, complete sequence.