Shallot virus X

Family   : Alphaflexiviridae
Genus : Allexivirus
Acronym : ShVX


Shallot virus X (ShVX) is a member of genus Allexivirus that cause mild mosaic and chlorotic symptoms in shallot, (). The identity of the virus was confirmed by electron microscopy and RT-PCR.

Major Diseases

Mosaic or chlorotic disease

Geographical Distribution

Tamil Nadu and other southern India states

Particle Morphology

Flexuous particles

Transmission Method




Host Range and Symptomatology

ShallotMild mosaic and chlorotic symptoms on leaves


1 Majumder, S.; Arya, M.; Pant, R. P.; Baranwal, V. K., Shallot virus X in Indian shallot, a new virus report for India.. 2008, Plant Pathology, 57, 2, pp 396.
2 Majumder, S.; Baranwal, V. K., Sequence comparison and phylogeny of nucleotide sequence of coat protein and nucleic acid binding protein of a distinct isolate of Shallot virus X from India.. 2011, Indian Journal of Virology, 22, 1, pp 63-65.


Partial Sequence
 GQ268322.1 Shallot virus X isolate Dindugal coat protein and nucleic acid binding protein genes, complete cds.