Radish mosaic virus

Family   : Secoviridae
Genus : Comovirus
Acronym : RaMV


Radish mosaic virus (RaMV, a comovirus) (Synonym: Radish enation mosaic virus) is known to infect almost all crucifers. Main affected crops are different cruciferous plants such as rape, mustards and cabbage. Symptoms include mosaic, ringspots, leaf distortion, veinal necrosis and systemic necrosis. Infected radish plants may show leaf venations.

Major Diseases

Mosaic disease

Geographical Distribution

Himachal Pradesh

Particle Morphology

Isometric particles

Transmission Method

By aphid, Lipaphis erysimi.



Host Range and Symptomatology

RadishVein clearing, mosaic, ringspots, leaf distortion, veinal necrosis and systemic necrosis. Infected radish plants may show leaf venations.


1 Ahlawat, Y. S.; Chenulu, V. V., Studies on the transmission of radish mosaic virus by the aphid, Lipaphis erysimi.. 1982, Indian Phytopathology, 35, 4, pp 633-638.
2 Biswas, K. K.; Das, D. R.; Ahlawat, Y. S., Viral diseases of fruits, vegetables and spices in North Eastern Himalayan Region of India and their management.. 2005, Crop protection: management strategies, 4, pp 225-246.
3 Naqvi, Q. A.; Khan, J. A.; Mahmood, K., Studies on a new strain of radish mosaic virus causing mosaic disease of radish (Raphanus sativus L.).. 1986, Journal of the Indian Botanical Society, 65, 2, pp 136-140.
4 Usha Sharma; Chowfla, S. C.; Thakur, P. D.; Anil Handa; Bhupesh Gupta, Management of radish mosaic disease in Himachal Pradesh.. 2005, Integrated plant disease management. Challenging problems in horticultural and forest pathology, Solan, India, 14 to 15 November 2003, 2, pp 195-198.