Shallot latent virus

Family   : Betaflexiviridae
Genus : Carlavirus
Acronym : SLV


Shallot latent virus is now a recognized virus name for Garlic latent virus infecting garlic. SLV is an aphid born Carlavirus and infects plant systemically without eliciting any symptoms or significant loss but when present with a potyvirus such as Onion yellow dwarf virus the damage is severe and synergetic.

Major Diseases


Geographical Distribution

South India and Delhi.

Particle Morphology

Flexuous particles of 610-700 x 12 nm.

Transmission Method

Aphis craccivora and Myzus persicae transmitted the virus in a non-persistent manner; also transmitted by mechanical inoculation.



Host Range and Symptomatology

Allium sativum (Garlic) Mosaic and chlorotic symptoms.
Allium porrum (Leek)Mild chlorotic streaking.


1 Baranwal, V. K. ; Singh, P. ; Jain, R. K. ; Joshi, S., First report of Garlic virus X infecting garlic in India.. 2011, Plant Disease, 95, 9, pp 1197.
2 Majumder, S. ; Baranwal, V. K., Simultaneous detection of four garlic viruses by multiplex reverse transcription PCR and their distribution in Indian garlic accessions.. 2014, Journal of Virological Methods, 202, 9, pp 34-38.
3 Majumder, S. ; Baranwal, V. K., First report of Garlic common latent virus in garlic from India.. 2009, Plant Disease, 93, 1, pp 106.
4 Meenakshi Arya ; Majumder, S. ; Baranwal, V. K., Partial characterization of coat protein gene of Shallot latent virus associated with garlic in India.. 2009, Indian Journal of Virology, 20, 1, pp 09-Nov.


Partial Sequence
 KR074210.1 Shallot latent virus isolate G2-4 coat protein gene, partial cds.
 KR074209.1 Shallot latent virus isolate G1-2 coat protein gene, partial cds.
 EF600902.1 Garlic latent virus coat protein gene, partial cds.