Garlic virus A

Family   : Alphaflexiviridae
Genus : Allexivirus
Acronym : GarV-A


Garlic virus A (GarV-A) is a prominent member of genus Allexivirus that cause mild mosaic-like symptoms and known to reduce bulb yield.

Major Diseases

Mild mosaic disease

Geographical Distribution


Particle Morphology

Flexuous particles

Transmission Method




Host Range and Symptomatology

GarlicMild mosaic


1 Ahlawat, Y. S., A mosaic disease of garlic in Darjeeling hills.. 1974, Science and Culture, 40, 11, pp 466-467.
2 Gawande, S. J.; Gurav, V. S.; Ingle, A. A.; Gopal, J., First report of Garlic virus A in garlic from India.. 2015, Plant Disease, 99, 9, pp 1288.
3 Ghosh, D. K.; Ahlawat, Y. S., Filamentous viruses associated with mosaic disease of garlic in India.. 1997, Indian Phytopathology, 50, 2, pp 266-276.
4 Majumder, S.; Baranwal, V. K., Simultaneous detection of four garlic viruses by multiplex reverse transcription PCR and their distribution in Indian garlic accessions.. 2014, Journal of Virological Methods, 202, 2, pp 34-38.
5 Sandeep Kumar; Baranwal, V. K.; Subodh Joshi; Meenakshi Arya; Majumder, S., Simultaneous detection of mixed infection of Onion yellow dwarf virus and an Allexivirus in RT-PCR for ensuring virus free onion bulbs.. 2010, Indian Journal of Virology, 21, 1, pp 64-68.


Partial Sequence
 KP835205.1 Garlic virus A isolate DOGR replicase gene, partial cds.
 KM588079.1 Garlic virus A isolate DOGR TGB1 gene, partial cds.