Rose leaf curl virus

Family   : Geminiviridae
Genus : Begomovirus
Acronym : RoLCuV


Rose plants showing symptoms of leaf curl disease showed involvement of distinct begomovirus namely Rose leaf curl virus (RoLCuV). The virus is a monopartite belonging to the old world begomovirus. The associated beta-satellite showed identity to Digera leaf curl betasaellite. The virus also infects ornamental plant, Millingtonia hortensis causing yellow mosaic disease.

Major Diseases

Leaf curl disease

Geographical Distribution


Particle Morphology

Geminate particles

Transmission Method

By whitefly, Bemisia tabaci



Host Range and Symptomatology

RoseDwarfing, leaf distortion and leaf curl
Millingtonia hortensisYellow mosaic


1 Marwal, A. ; Sahu, A. ; Prajapat, R. ; Gaur, R. K., First report of begomovirus infecting two ornamental plants: Jasminum sambac and Millingtonia hortensis.. 2013, Indian Phytopathology, 66, 1, pp 115-116.
2 Sahu, A. K. ; Avinash Marwal ; Shahid, M. S. ; Chitra Nehra ; Gaur, R. K., First report of a begomovirus and associated beta-satellite in Rosa indica and in India.. 2014, Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 9, 1, pp 147.


Complete Sequence
 NC_024687.1 Rose leaf curl virus isolate AS24, complete genome.
 KJ739692.1 Rose leaf curl virus isolate AS24, complete genome.
 KF584008.2 Rose leaf curl virus isolate sikar AS22, complete genome.