Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus

Family   : Geminiviridae
Genus : Begomovirus
Acronym : PepLCLV


Association of Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus (PepLCLV) with winter cherry (Solanum capsicastrum) where infected plants exhibited severe leaf curl accompanied by green blisters and distortions.

Major Diseases

Leaf curl disease

Geographical Distribution

Uttar Pradesh

Particle Morphology

Geminate particles

Transmission Method

By whitefly, Bemisia tabaci



Host Range and Symptomatology

Winter cherry (Solanum capsicastrum): Severe leaf curl accompanied by green blisters and distortions.


Complete Sequence
 JN880419.1 Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus-[Solanum capsicastrum] segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
 JN135234.2 Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus isolate Lucknow segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
 JN663864.1 Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus isolate Nagpur segment DNA-A, complete sequence.
 JX524173.1 Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus isolate lucknow segment DNA-A, complete sequence.