Papaya leaf crumple virus

Family   : Geminiviridae
Genus : Begomovirus
Acronym : PaLCrV


Papaya showing symptoms of leaf curl disease showed involvement of three distinct begomoviruses. One group resembled chili leaf curl virus infecting tomatoes (ChiLCuV), another group resembled tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCuNDV) while the third group was novel which was named Papaya leaf crumple virus (PaLCrV). Associated most DNA β sequences resembled tomato leaf curl virus-associated DNA ?s. A few DNA β sequences were similar to that of croton yellow vein mosaic virus-associated DNA β (CroYVMVβ). One DNA β sequence was novel and showed <65% similarity to its counterparts. The PaLCrV was also naturally infects soybean and Golden Duranta (Duranta erecta).

Major Diseases

Leaf crumple disease

Particle Morphology

Geminate particles

Transmission Method

By whitefly, Bemisia tabaci



Host Range and Symptomatology

PapayaLeaf curl
Golden Duranta (Duranta erecta)Leaf curl, severe stuning with apical leaf curling and crinkled leaves.
SoybeanYellow mosaic on leaves and leaf crumpling and distortion symptoms. Severely infected plants were stunted and bore less number of flowers and pods.


1 Avinash Marwal ; Sahu, A. K. ; Gaur, R. K., Molecular characterization of a begomovirus infecting a new host Golden Duranta (Duranta erecta) in India.. 2013, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2, 9, pp 45-48.
2 Jaidi, M. ; Srivastava, A. ; Kumar, S. ; Raj, S. K. ; Singh, R., First report of natural occurence of Papaya leaf crumple virus on soyabean in India.. 2015, New Disease Reports, 32, 9, pp 15.
3 Marwal, A. ; Sahu, A. K. ; Gaur, R. K., Association of begomovirus and an alphasatellite with leaf curl disease of ornamental plant, Vinca alba in Punjab, India.. 2014, Journal of Agricultural Research (Lahore), 52, 3, pp 339-356.
4 Singh-Pant, P. ; Pant, P. ; Mukherjee, S. K. ; Mazumdar-Leighton, S., Spatial and temporal diversity of begomoviral complexes in papayas with leaf curl disease.. 2012, Archives of Virology, 157, 7, pp 1217-1232.


Complete Sequence
 KP698313.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus isolate C2, complete genome.
 KP698312.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus isolate C1, complete genome.
 KR052159.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus isolate Mohali, complete genome.
 KR071789.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus isolate MJS2, complete genome.
 KJ028210.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus clone Moh7, complete genome.
 NC_014707.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus-Panipat 8 [India:Panipat:Papaya:2008] DNA-A, complete genome.
 HM140369.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus-Najafgarh 1 [India:New Delhi:Papaya:2008], complete genome.
 HM140368.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus-Nirulas [India:New Delhi:Papaya:2007], complete genome.
 HM140367.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus-Panipat 8 [India:Panipat:Papaya:2008], complete genome.
 KM359408.1 Papaya leaf crumple virus isolate A-87, complete genome.