Leek yellow stripe virus

Family   : Potyviridae
Genus : Potyvirus
Acronym : LYSV


Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV), genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae, is a prominent virus known to infect garlic worldwide including India. Potyvirus-like symptoms such as mosaic, streaking, stunting, mottling of leaves observed on garlic with incidence up to 70% was confirmed as a strain of LYSV by ELISA and partial genome sequencing of the virus.

Major Diseases

Stripe disease

Particle Morphology

Flexuous filamentous particles resembling potyviruses.

Transmission Method

Primarily through vegetative means and also by mechanical sp inoculation.



Host Range and Symptomatology

Allium sativum (Garlic) Mosaic, streaking, stunting, mottling of leaves


1 Gupta, N. ; Prabha, K. ; Islam, S. ; Baranwal, V. K., First report of Leek yellow stripe virus in garlic from India.. 2013, Journal of Plant Pathology, 95, 4, pp Supplement, pp S4.75.
2 S. J. Gawande, V. S. Gurav, A. A. Ingle, and J. Gopal, First Report of Leek yellow stripe virus in Allium sativum in Western India.. 2014, Australasian Plant Pathology, 98, 7, pp 1015. doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-13-1163-PDN .


Complete Sequence
 KP168261.1 Leek yellow stripe virus isolate INDIA, complete genome.
Partial Sequence
 HG764730.1 Leek yellow stripe virus partial CP gene for coat protein, isolate DOGR01.
 KP862054.1 UNVERIFIED: Leek yellow stripe virus polyprotein-like gene, partial sequence.
 KP168262.1 Leek yellow stripe virus coat protein gene, partial cds.
 KF850539.1 Leek yellow stripe virus isolate DOGR polyprotein gene, partial cds.
 KF724857.1 Leek yellow stripe virus isolate INDIA coat protein gene, partial cds.