Sweet potato feathery mottle virus

Family   : Potyviridae
Genus : Potyvirus
Acronym : SPFMV


Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Potyviridae. Sweet potato chlorotic leaf spot virus, Sweet potato virus A are few strains commonly found.

Major Diseases

Feathery mottle.

Geographical Distribution

Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa and West Bengal

Particle Morphology

Flexuous filamentous particles of length 748 nm.

Transmission Method

Transmitted by a vector; an insect; Aphis gossypii, A. craccivora, Lipaphis erysimi, Myzus persicae; Aphididae in a non-persistent manner. Virus transmitted by mechanical inoculation.



Host Range and Symptomatology

Ipomoea spp (Sweet potato) Vein clearing, vein feathering and chlorotic spots.


1 Jeeva, M. L. ; Balakrishnan, S. ; Edison, S. ; Umamaheswaran, K. ; Makeshkumar, T., Characterization, purification and serology of sweet potato feathery mottle virus in India.. 2004, Journal of Root Crops, 30, 1, pp 24-30.
2 Nath, P. S. ; Ramdas Mandi ; De, B. K. ; Tarafdar, J., Incidence of sweet potato mosaic virus in sweet potato (Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam.) in the plains of West Bengal.. 2003, Journal of Mycopathological Research, 41, 2, pp 245-246.
3 Prasanth, G. ; Hegde, V., Occurrence of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus and Sweet potato leaf curl Georgia virus on sweet potato in India.. 2008, Plant Disease, 92, 2, pp 311.
4 Sinha, B. ; Tarafdar, J., Occurrence and detection of sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) in West Bengal.. 2007, Journal of Applied Horticulture (Lucknow), 9, 2, pp 123-126.


Partial Sequence
 FJ597646.1 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate Tvm2 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
 EF015398.2 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate trivandrum coat protein gene, partial cds.
 EF031541.1 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate Hyderabad coat protein gene, partial cds.
 EF031540.1 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate Thiruvanathapuram coat protein gene, partial cds.
 EF031539.1 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate Bhuveneswar coat protein gene, partial cds.
 DQ285628.1 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate CT1 coat protein gene, partial cds.
 FJ597645.1 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate Tvm1 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
 HM035545.1 Sweet potato feathery mottle virus isolate BCKV polyprotein gene, partial cds.