Watermelon mosaic virus 2

Family   : Potyviridae
Genus : Potyvirus
Acronym : WMV-2


Watermelon mosaic virus 2 is pathogenic plant virus. It causes diseases of various cucurbits, and is also found in natural infections of several leguminous and malvaceous species. Widely distributed throughout the world.

Major Diseases

Mosaic disease

Geographical Distribution

Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

Particle Morphology

Flexuous filamentous particles of 730-765 nm.

Transmission Method

Transmitted by a vector; an insect; Myzus persicae, Aphis craccivora; Virus transmitted by mechanical inoculation; not transmitted by seed.



Host Range and Symptomatology

Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) Vein clearing of leaves followed by systemic mosaic mottle.
Pisum sativum (pea) Mosaic, mottling, leaf deformation.


1 Anil Kumar ; Thakur, P. D. ; Anil Handa, Serological detection of watermelon mosaic virus-2 (WMV-2) infecting cucumber in Himachal Pradesh.. 2015, International Journal of Farm Sciences, 5, 1, pp 104-109.
2 Singh, B. R. ; Gupta, S. P. ; Roy, P. S., Prevalence of viral diseases on pumpkin in Uttar Pradesh.. 1991, Indian Journal of Virology, 7, 2, pp 190-191.


Complete Sequence
 KM597071.1 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate RKG2, complete genome.
 KM597070.1 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate RKG, complete genome.
Partial Sequence
 KJ746105.1 Watermelon mosaic virus strain WMR3 polyprotein gene, partial cds.
 KJ000074.1 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate PS polyprotein gene, partial cds.
 KF263998.1 Watermelon mosaic virus isolate Sikar nonfunctional polyprotein gene, partial sequence.