Southern bean mosaic virus

Family   : unassigned
Genus : Sobamovirus
Acronym : SBMV


SBMV is a sobemovirus that causes mosaic and mottle diseases in common bean. The virus is characterized by isometric particles (30 nm), which encapsidate a single-stranded positive-sense genomic RNA of approximately 4100 nucleotides.

Major Diseases

Mosaic and mottle.

Geographical Distribution


Particle Morphology

Isometric particles about 30 nm in diameter

Transmission Method

Transmitted by leaf beetle (Madurasia obscurella) in a non-circulative manner and also through seeds.



Host Range and Symptomatology

French bean, Urdbean and CowpeaGreen mosaic, chlorotic patches in young and old leaves and leaves are greener than healthy ones.


1 Southern bean mosaic virus. [Distribution map].. 2004, Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases, October (Edition 1), pp Map 934.
2 Gangulee, R. ; Singh, B. R. ; Singh, H. C., Studies on the metabolism of cowpea leaves infected with southern bean mosaic virus I Effect on carbohydrate metabolism.. 1978, Science and Culture, 44, 5, pp 226-228.
3 Rao, G. P. ; Pandey, A. K. ; Shukla, K., Essential oils of some higher plants vis-à-vis some legume viruses.. 1986, Indian Perfumer, 30, 4, pp 483-486.
4 Reddy, D. V. R. ; Varma, A., Madurasia obscurella Jacoby - a new vector of southern bean mosaic virus.. 1986, Current Science, India, 55, 2, pp 109-110.
5 Singh, A. K. ; Singh, R. B., Alterations in protein yield and protein quality in urd bean infected by southern bean mosaic virus.. 1980, Annales de Phytopathologie, 12, 2, pp 131-138.
6 Singh, H. C. ; Singh, B. R. ; Gangulee, R., Studies on the nitrogen metabolism of cowpea leaves infected with southern bean mosaic virus.. 1978, Acta Botanica Indica, 6, Supplement, pp 213-214.
7 Singh, H. C. ; Singh, R. B. ; Gangulee, R., Metabolism of cowpea leaves infected with southern bean mosaic virus. 2. Effect on nitrogen metabolism.. 1978, Acta Botanica Indica, 6, 2, pp 204-205.