Morphology : Radopholus nativus
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Nematoda
Class : Secernentea
Subclass : Diplogasteria
Order : Tylenchida
Family : Pratylenchidae
Genus : Radopholus
Species : nativus
Morphometric characteristics in μm
Character Female Male
Body length 560 unknown
Body length/maximum body width (a) 26 unknown
Body length/oesophageal length (b) 5.8 unknown
Body length/tail length (c) 5.8 unknown
Distance from head end to vulva/ body length x 100 (V) 23 unknown
Body length/distance from head end to posterior end of oesophageal glands (b’) 4.2 unknown
Tail length/body width at anus(c’) 2.8 unknown
Soil around the native plants Carmichaelia monroi, Celmisia sp., Danthonia sp., Dracophyllum sp., and Senecio bellidioides in a native habitat, Porters Pass (3,100'), about 10 miles west of Springfield, South Island, New Zealand.
Morphology and anatomy
Female Male
Lip region hemispherical, slightly set off, with four annules. Stylet knobs with anterior projections. Spermatheca without sperms. Lateral field with four incisures, inner incisures coalescing at level of anus to three incisures on tail, incompletely areolated. Intestine indistinctly overlapping rectum. Tail tapering slightly to rounded, distinctly annulated terminus. Unknown