Morphology : Radopholus duriophilus
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Nematoda
Class : Secernentea
Subclass : Diplogasteria
Order : Tylenchida
Family : Pratylenchidae
Genus : Radopholus
Species : duriophilus
Morphometric characteristics in μm
Character Female Male
Body length 603 614
Body length/maximum body width (a) 26.3 34.3
Body length/oesophageal length (b) 7.8 5.2
Body length/tail length (c) 8.2 8
Distance from head end to vulva/ body length x 100 (V) - -
Body length/distance from head end to posterior end of oesophageal glands (b’) 4.2 8
Tail length/body width at anus(c’) 4.4 5.38
Found in association with durian (Durio zibetinus M.). Buon Ma Thuot City, Dak Lak province, Western Highland,Vietnam.
Morphology and anatomy
Female Male
Body almost straight or slightly curved ventrally after killing by heat. Cephalic region slightly set off and more or less hemispherical with four or . ve annules. Labial disc not distinct in LM, hexagonal in SEM. Lateral lips terminating within second and third head annule. Stylet moderately strong with rounded knobs; dorsal knob sometimes projected. Cone slightly longer than shaft plus knobs. Rounded or oval median bulb well developed. Pharyngeal glands in tandem and forming a long, dorsally overlapping lobe. Excretory pore located posteriorly to level of pharyngo-intestinal junction at a distance of half to full body diameter and zero to two annules posterior to hemizonid, hemizonid one to two body annules wide. Lateral . eld completely areolated for entire body, with four equidistant incisures. Four incisures at level of phasmid. Three annules terminating at vulva. Two genital branches equally developed; spermathecae round to oval and of equal size, filled with small oval or kidney-shaped sperm. Oocytes located in one or two rows; genital branches sometimes reaching pharynx, one or both branches may be re? exed. Postrectal intestine sac absent. Tail conical, tapering and with shallow to deeply forked tip; terminus annulated, rarely smooth, narrow, conoid rounded. Phasmids distinct, located in anterior third of tail, lateral lines fusing at two thirds of distance to tail tip. Slender, slightly ventrally curved. Cephalic region set off, knob like with three to four annules. Labial disc not distinct. Lateral lips terminating within third head annule. Stylet thin, rudimentary with amalgamated base. Median pharyngeal bulb oval and gland lobe poorly developed. Excretory pore at base of pharynx. Lateral field with four equidistant incisures at mid body; central band of lateral . eld sometimes narrower than outer bands. Four incisures at level of phasmid. Oval or kidney shaped sperm in genital tracts. Postrectal intestine sac absent. Bursa leptoderan, never reaching tail terminus. Spicule tylenchoid with asymmetrical, oval shaped head. Gubernaculum with head more or less prominent and pronounced pair of titillae. Five to eight hypotygma on anterior cloacal aperture. Tail shape conical, sometimes forked, terminus rounded and annulated, rarely narrow and smooth.