Body vermiform, assuming an almost straight to ventrally arcuare form when heat relaxed. Cuticle annulated, ventral annules 1.3-1.6 I-lm apart at mid body. Four lareral incisures reducing to three in region of phasmids, outer incisures crenate. Outer bands of lateral fields marked by occasional transverse striae, particularly towards posterior extremity. Head slightly offset, low, rounded and somewhat flattened apically with four or five annules. En face view similar to that of type species. Stylet moderately strong. Basal knobs about 5 I-lm across; distal surface of dorsal knob extending anreriorly; much smaller and indistinct anterior projection usually visible on each subventral knob. Dorsal oesophageal gland opening 4-5 I-lm behind stylet knobs. Procorpus cylindroid; median bulb round to oval in form and s!ightly offset from rest of oesophagus. Oesophageal gland well developed, overlapping intestine mostly on dorsal side, with glands in tandem. Nerve ring immediately posterior to median bulb. Excretory pore just posterior to hermizonid and located about two to three bulb lengths posterior to bulb. Vulva postrnedian with markedly protuberant lips. Genital branches amphididelphic, outstretched with oval to rod-shaped sperm in axial spermathecae. Uterine egg 20.1 x 58.3 I-lm. Tail conoid, tapering to rounded terminus which is regularly annulated. Phasmids located at 16 (12-17) annules posterior to anus, about rnidway along tail. |
Body vermiform, showing marked sexual dimorphism in anterior region. Head high, offset, knoblike with four or five annules. Stylet conus highly refringent, relatively strongly developed for males of this genus; shaft and knobs less weil developed, but distinct. Oesophagus degenerate and apparently non-functional. Spicules paired, ventrally arcuate. Gubernaculum rodlike, with a dorsally directed process, observed in SEM studies, on dorsal surface; protrusible. Bursa crenate, extending almost to tail tip. Phasmids located about sixteen annules posterior to cloaca, close to midway along tail. Tail conoid, tapering to a finely pointed, partially offset, terminus. |