Morphology : Radopholus bridgei
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Nematoda
Class : Secernentea
Subclass : Diplogasteria
Order : Tylenchida
Family : Pratylenchidae
Genus : Radopholus
Species : bridgei
Morphometric characteristics in μm
Character Female Male
Body length 566 515
Body length/maximum body width (a) 24 31
Body length/oesophageal length (b) 7.1 6.9
Body length/tail length (c) 8.3 8
Distance from head end to vulva/ body length x 100 (V) 56 -
Body length/distance from head end to posterior end of oesophageal glands (b’) 4.3 4.9
Tail length/body width at anus(c’) 4.2 5.8
Morphology and anatomy
Female Male
Relaxed body straight to slightly C-shaped. Cuticle faintly annulated, annuli 1.3 (1.1-1.5) ?m wide at midbody, wider 1.6 (1.1-2.2) ?m and ?rough? on ventral surface of tail. Lateral field 6 (5-7) ?m wide, with four incisures, central band narrower than outer ones, three incisures posterior to phasmids. Cephalic region 9 (8-10) ?m broad, 4 (3-5) ?m high, dome-shaped, continuous, with three or four faintly marked annuli of equal width. Stylet moderately strong, conus forming 59 (53-62)% of stylet length, basal knobs rounded, 2 (1.5-2.5) ?m in diam., stylet base 3.5 (2.5-4.5) ?m wide. Duct of dorsal pharyngeal gland 4.5 (3.0-5.5) ?m or 25% of stylet length from stylet base. Median bulb well-developed, with strong cuticular valve, 59 ? 9 (47- 88) ?m from anterior end, 12 (9-15) ?m long, 9 (8- 11) ?m wide, length to breadth ratio 1.3 (1.1-1.8). Hemizonid 3-5 ?m or two or three annuli wide, located just anterior or up to three annuli anterior to excretory pore. Pharyngeal gland lobe long, 54 (38-70) ?m, shorter than remainder of pharynx, dorsal pharyngeal gland nucleus large, anteriorly located in lobe, nuclei of two ventrosublateral glands posteriorly located, end of lobe wide, rounded. Spermatheca 11 (7-15) ?m long ? 11 (7- 14) ?m diam., spherical to ellipsoid, length to diam. ratio 1.0 (0.8-1.3), filled with lens-like sperm 2.5 ?m diam.? 1 ?m deep, appearing rod-like or rounded depending on angle. Tail narrowly conical, 42 (31-57) ventral annuli, terminus narrow, conoid-spherical, with smooth zone 2-4 annuli wide on ventral side, irregularly annulated on dorsal side. Phasmids in anterior third of tail, located 28 (21-39) ventral annuli or 47 (40-64) ?m from tail tip. Hyaline part of tail short, length to width ratio 1.8 (1-3). Postrectal intestinal sac usually absent. Relaxed body slightly C-shaped. Cuticle faintly annulated, annuli 1.2 (1.0-1.4) ?m wide at mid-body, distinctly wider 1.5 (1.3-1.8) ?m on ventral surface of tail. Lateral field 6 (5-7) ?m wide, with four incisures, central band narrower than outer ones, only three incisures posterior to phasmid. Cephalic region sexually dimorphic, 6-7 ?m diam. ? 4-6 ?m high, knob-like to conically hemispherical, set off, with three or four annuli, basal annulus twice as wide as anterior annuli. Stylet extremely slender, conus forming 63% (58-70%) of stylet length, basal knobs indistinct, stylet base spherical, 2 ?m in diam. Dorsal pharyngeal gland duct 3-4 ?m or 25% of stylet length from stylet base. Median bulb narrow, with indistinct cuticular valve, 45 (37-50) ?m from anterior end, 9 (8-11) ?m long ? 5-6 ?m diam., length to breadth ratio 1.8 (1.4-2.1). Hemizonid 3 ?m or two annuli wide, located just anterior to excretory pore. Pharyngeal glands forming collar-like tube around anterior part of mid-intestine, 29 (14 43) ?m long, comprising 40% of remainder of pharynx, arrangement of gland nuclei as in female. Posterior part of testis filled with lens-like sperm 2 ?m in diam. ? 1 ?m deep. Spicules paired, straight, with round head, shaft forming one hird of spicule length. Spicule four times as long as wide. Gubernaculum protruding from cloacal opening, straight, dorsal part thickened. Tail narrowly conical, with 41 (36-45) ventral annuli, its terminus narrow, conoidspherical, with smooth zone 3-5 annuli wide on ventral surface and regularly annulated dorsally. Caudal alae subterminal, not reaching tail tip. Phasmids in anterior third of tail, located 29 (21-33) ventral annuli or 47 (42 53) ?m from tail tip. Hyaline part of tail short, length to width ratio 1.1 (0.8-1.3). Postrectal intestinal sac absent.