Body almost straight or slightly curved ventrally after killing by gentle heat. Labial region continuous with body; dome shaped and bearing four or five annules. Labial disc not distinct in LM, round in SEM. Amphidial apertures broad and with prominent margin. Lateral lips terminating on fourth to fifth head annule. Stylet moderately, strong knobs directed posteriorly, slightly anchor shaped. Length of stylet cone equal to length of shaft plus knobs or slightly longer. Dorsal gland opening near stylet base. Rounded or oval median bulb well developed. Pharyngeal glands in tandem, forming a long, dorsally overlapping lobe; nucleus near posterior end. Excretory pore located at level of pharyngo-intestinal junction or 0.5 body diam. posteriorly. Hemizonid one to two body annules long and zero to two annules anterior to excretory pore. Lateral field with four equidistant longitudinal incisures, completely areolated over whole body. Four incisures present at phasmid level. Three body annules terminating at vulva. Vulval lips always protuberant. Anterior genital branch slightly longer than posterior branch. Spermatheca round, filled with thick, rod-shaped, sperm. Oocytes in single row anteriorly or two rows near middle of ovary; genital branch sometimes reaching pharynx. Postrectal intestine sac absent. Tail long, conoid, with 40-58 annules, terminus annulated, rarely smooth, narrow, conically rounded. Phasmids distinct, located in anterior third of tail. Lateral lines fusing at two thirds of tail length. |
Slender, slightly ventrally curved after killing by gentle heat. Cephalic region set off, knob-like, with zero to three annules. Labial disc not distinct. Lateral lips terminating at junction of head and body. Stylet rudimentary with amalgamated base. Median pharyngeal bulb oval and gland lobe poorly developed. Excretory pore located at pharyngo-intestinal junction. Lateral field with four equidistant incisures at mid-body; central band of lateral field sometimes narrower than outer bands. Lateral field on tail indistinct. Phasmids located at ca one third of tail. Thick, rod-shaped, sperm present in posterior genital tract. Postrectal intestine sac absent. Bursa usually extending to one third of tail, rarely to mid-tail. Spicule tylenchoid, with asymmetrical, oval shaped, manubrium. Gubernaculumwith head more or less protruding and pronounced pair of titillae. Anterior cloacal lip with zero to three hypotygma. Tail conical, with 49 (42-61) annules, terminus rounded and annulated, rarely smooth. Hyaline part of tail narrow and short. |