LOCUS ACH56227 314 aa linear INV 30-AUG-2008 DEFINITION cathepsin S-like cysteine proteinase [Radopholus similis]. ACCESSION ACH56227 VERSION ACH56227.1 GI:197258086 DBSOURCE accession EU659125.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Radopholus similis ORGANISM Radopholus similis Eukaryota; Metazoa; Nematoda; Chromadorea; Tylenchida; Tylenchina; Tylenchoidea; Pratylenchidae; Radopholinae; Radopholus. REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 314) AUTHORS Lv,C.H., Xiao,L. and Xie,B.Y. TITLE Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of cathepsin S-like cysteine proteinase genes of Radopholus similis JOURNAL Zhi Wu Bao Hu (2008) In press REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 314) AUTHORS Lv,C.H., Xiao,L. and Xie,B.Y. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (17-APR-2008) Dept. of Plant Protection, Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, No.12 Zhongguancun Nandajie, Beijing 100081, China COMMENT Method: conceptual translation. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..314 /organism="Radopholus similis" /db_xref="taxon:46012" Protein 1..314 /product="cathepsin S-like cysteine proteinase" /note="RsCPS; Rs-cps" Region 97..312 /region_name="Peptidase_C1A" /note="Peptidase C1A subfamily (MEROPS database nomenclature); composed of cysteine peptidases (CPs) similar to papain, including the mammalian CPs (cathepsins B, C, F, H, L, K, O, S, V, X and W). Papain is an endopeptidase with specific substrate preferences; cd02248" /db_xref="CDD:30292" Site order(114,120,260,281) /site_type="active" /db_xref="CDD:30292" Site order(162..163,230,258,261,308) /site_type="other" /note="S2 subsite" /db_xref="CDD:30292" CDS 1..314 /coded_by="EU659125.1:25..969" ORIGIN 1 mslfllalal caqqllavpv qqsldserlg altrsralvt ehnaaferge vsfrlaenhl 61 ahltereykq rlglraterp snkvvklsai vgnqsvpdav dwrkkglvte vkdqgqcgsc 121 wafsttgslg gahakatgkl vslseqnlvd cssensvheh glmdvafdyi eenggidter 181 sypyrgyeqy rckyskrnvg atmasyvdlp sgdeqelkia vatqgpisva idassdsfql 241 yesgvykdkq cgnrrsnldh gvllvgygtd pkhgdywivk nswsaawgek gyirmarnnr 301 nmcgiatmas ypqv //