LOCUS AM691119 423 bp mRNA linear INV 26-MAR-2008 DEFINITION Radopholus similis partial mRNA for transthyretin-like protein 3 (ttl-3 gene). ACCESSION AM691119 VERSION AM691119.1 GI:145279864 KEYWORDS transthyretin-like protein 3; transthyretin-like protein 3 precursor; ttl-3 gene. SOURCE Radopholus similis ORGANISM Radopholus similis Eukaryota; Metazoa; Nematoda; Chromadorea; Tylenchida; Tylenchina; Tylenchoidea; Pratylenchidae; Radopholinae; Radopholus. REFERENCE 1 AUTHORS Jacob,J., Vanholme,B., Haegeman,A. and Gheysen,G. TITLE Four transthyretin-like genes of the migratory plant-parasitic nematode Radopholus similis: members of an extensive nematode-specific family JOURNAL Gene 402 (1-2), 9-19 (2007) PUBMED 17765408 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 423) AUTHORS Jacob,J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (06-APR-2007) Jacob J., Molecular Biotechnology, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BELGIUM FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..423 /organism="Radopholus similis" /mol_type="mRNA" /db_xref="taxon:46012" /country="Uganda" gene <1..423 /gene="ttl-3" CDS <1..423 /gene="ttl-3" /codon_start=1 /product="transthyretin-like protein 3 precursor" /protein_id="CAM84512.1" /db_xref="GI:145279865" /db_xref="InterPro:IPR001534" /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:A4Q9L3" /translation="LFAVVLFAIITIVPSPCGAMRQQAVAVKGQLMCGSRPASGVKVK LWDEDDGPDPDDVLDEAFTDSSGAFHLKGSERELTNIDPVLKIYHDCDDGIMPGQRKI KLRIPGSYITGGGVAKRVFDVGLLNLETKFPGEERDLL" sig_peptide <1..57 /gene="ttl-3" mat_peptide 58..420 /gene="ttl-3" /product="transthyretin-like protein 3" ORIGIN 1 ttgtttgcgg tggtgctctt cgccataatc accattgtgc cgtccccgtg cggagcaatg 61 cgccaacagg cggtcgcagt caagggccag ctgatgtgcg ggtcgaggcc cgcctcgggg 121 gtgaaggtga agctctggga cgaggacgac ggcccagacc cggacgacgt gctggacgag 181 gcgttcaccg actccagcgg cgcattccac ctgaagggct ccgagcgcga gctgaccaac 241 attgacccgg tgctcaaaat ctaccacgat tgcgacgacg ggattatgcc aggacagcgc 301 aagatcaaac tgcgcattcc tggctcttac atcacgggcg gaggcgtcgc aaaacgcgtg 361 ttcgacgttg gattgctcaa tttggagacc aaattcccgg gcgaggagcg agatttgctc 421 tga //