LOCUS AF375377 481 bp DNA linear INV 21-FEB-2002 DEFINITION Radopholus similis strain Kar clone 3 internal transcribed spacer 1, partial sequence; 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, complete sequence; and internal transcribed spacer 2, partial sequence. ACCESSION AF375377 VERSION AF375377.1 GI:18389740 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Radopholus similis ORGANISM Radopholus similis Eukaryota; Metazoa; Nematoda; Chromadorea; Tylenchida; Tylenchina; Tylenchoidea; Pratylenchidae; Radopholinae; Radopholus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 481) AUTHORS Elbadri,G.A., De Ley,P., Waeyenberge,L., Vierstraete,A., Moens,M. and Vanfleteren,J. TITLE Intraspecific variation in Radopholus similis isolates assessed with restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA cistron JOURNAL Int. J. Parasitol. 32 (2), 199-205 (2002) PUBMED 11812497 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 481) AUTHORS Elbadri,G.A.A., De Ley,P., Waeyenberge,L., Vierstraete,A., Moens,M. and Vanfleteren,J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (01-MAY-2001) Biology Department, Ghent University, Ledeganckstraat 35, Ghent B-9000, Belgium FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..481 /organism="Radopholus similis" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="Kar" /host="banana" /db_xref="taxon:46012" /clone="3" /country="Sudan" /note="root and soil extract from banana in Singa, Karkum, provided by G. Elbadri" misc_RNA <1..266 /product="internal transcribed spacer 1" rRNA 267..424 /product="5.8S ribosomal RNA" misc_RNA 425..>481 /product="internal transcribed spacer 2" ORIGIN 1 tgaacctatc caatacgatt ccgtcctttg gtgggcagcg cccctcaggc atcggccaaa 61 cccatcaaat gtgacgcgaa cggctgggtt ggcgtctgtg agtcgtggag cagttgtagt 121 ccatgtccgt ggctgcgatg atgcgactcg gtagggctgt catcgccttt ggcagcttaa 181 gacttgatga gcgcagacca agcgccgcca gcaaccattt ttttccaata aactttttca 241 aatgccatga aaggcaaaca agaattctag ccttatcggc ggatcactcg gctcgtaggt 301 cgatgaagaa cgcagccagc tgcgatatct agtgtgaact gcagaacctt tgaacactaa 361 acattcgaat gcacattgcg ccattggagt cacttcctct ggcacgcctg gttcagggtc 421 gttaaccaaa aacgcangac aaatgcgtac atgaatgcgt gatgataaat attttcatgc 481 a //