LOCUS AF375373 581 bp DNA linear INV 21-FEB-2002 DEFINITION Radopholus similis strain Sen clone 9 internal transcribed spacer 1, partial sequence; 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, complete sequence; and internal transcribed spacer 2, partial sequence. ACCESSION AF375373 VERSION AF375373.1 GI:18389736 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Radopholus similis ORGANISM Radopholus similis Eukaryota; Metazoa; Nematoda; Chromadorea; Tylenchida; Tylenchina; Tylenchoidea; Pratylenchidae; Radopholinae; Radopholus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 581) AUTHORS Elbadri,G.A., De Ley,P., Waeyenberge,L., Vierstraete,A., Moens,M. and Vanfleteren,J. TITLE Intraspecific variation in Radopholus similis isolates assessed with restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region of the ribosomal RNA cistron JOURNAL Int. J. Parasitol. 32 (2), 199-205 (2002) PUBMED 11812497 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 581) AUTHORS Elbadri,G.A.A., De Ley,P., Waeyenberge,L., Vierstraete,A., Moens,M. and Vanfleteren,J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (01-MAY-2001) Biology Department, Ghent University, Ledeganckstraat 35, Ghent B-9000, Belgium FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..581 /organism="Radopholus similis" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /strain="Sen" /host="banana" /db_xref="taxon:46012" /clone="9" /country="Sudan" /note="root and soil extract from banana in Chendi, River Nile, provided by G. Elbadri" misc_RNA <1..262 /product="internal transcribed spacer 1" rRNA 263..420 /product="5.8S ribosomal RNA" misc_RNA 421..>581 /product="internal transcribed spacer 2" ORIGIN 1 acctatccaa tacgattccg tcctttggtg ggcagtgccc tcaggcattg gcgaaaccca 61 tcaaatgtga cgcgaacggc tgggttggcg tctgtgagtc gtggagcagt tgtagtccat 121 gtccgtggct gcgatgatgc gactcggtag ggctgtcatc gcctttggca gcttaagact 181 tgatgagcgc agaccaagcg ccgccagcaa ccattttttt ccaataaact ttttcaaatg 241 ccatgaaagg caaacaagaa ctctagcctt attggtggat cactcggctc gtaggtcgat 301 gaagaacgca gccagctgcg atatctagtg tgaactgcag aacctttgaa cactaaacat 361 tcgaatgcac attgcgccat tggggtcact tcctctggca cgcctggttc agggtcgtta 421 accaaaaacg caagacaaat gcgtacatga atgcgtgatg ataaatattt tcatgcaatg 481 gaaattaagg ttgaccaata atgtgcttgg acatgaattt cgtgagaatt tgccgtgtgg 541 cgaatgaaat tcacgtatgt tcattgtgca nattggcaac t //