PiperID Sequence Ion Score Hits Mass Modification Protein Name Origin Accession

Showing results for Origin = chloroplast

PiperIDSEQUENCEIonScoreHitsMassModificationProtein NameOriginAccession
Piper3 AAEDPEFETFYTK 1566 65.07 24 1546.6832 photosystem II protein D2 chloroplast gi|108773048
Piper6 AAPSFIQLDTK 414 51.64 24 1189.634 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|169142798
Piper12 ADEISNIIR 449 68.69 24 1029.5451 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|11466709
Piper13 ADEISNILR 449 68.69 24 1029.5451 ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit chloroplast gi|395001660
Piper18 ADVPFR 8179 16.02 3 703.3656 photosystem II CP47 chlorophyll apoprotein chloroplast gi|115605047
Piper33 AHGGVSVFGGVGER 4138 68.87 10 1327.6635 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper39 AINQVRQRVFQQALQGALGTLNSCLNK 1000 16.71 2 3013.5966 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[15] Deamidated (NQ)|[22] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF0 subunit I chloroplast gi|114329642
Piper74 AQLGEIFELDR 3516 72.31 11 1289.6618 photosystem II CP47 chlorophyll apoprotein chloroplast gi|115605047
Piper78 ARNEGRDLAREGNEIIR 412 26.16 1 2011.0382 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[3] Deamidated (NQ) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|108773138
Piper93 AVAMSATDGLTR 2811 71.69 12 1207.5857 [4] Oxidation (M) ATPase beta subunit chloroplast gi|161784199
Piper111 CESACPTNFLSVR 4595 58.72 20 1540.667 [1] Carbamidomethyl (C)|[5] Carbamidomethyl (C)|[8] Deamidated (NQ) photosystem I subunit VII chloroplast gi|149390408
Piper116 DAEAILK 3152 29.96 7 758.4176 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|11466709
Piper120 DANEQDVLLFIDNIFR 8893 76.34 4 1920.9621 ATP synthase CF1 beta chain chloroplast gi|222084091
Piper130 DGSITSIQAIYVPADDLTDPAPATTFAHLDATTVLSR 421 60.62 22 3842.9259 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|806636950
Piper133 DINEQDVLLFIDNIFR 901 101.82 17 2006.0131 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[3] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|695101509
Piper142 DNFVEKDR 2519 47.66 8 1022.4676 [2] Deamidated (NQ) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|156618912
Piper154 DVFAGIDPDLDSQVEFGTFQK 6522 76.99 2 2327.0985 photosystem II CP47 chlorophyll apoprotein chloroplast gi|115605047
Piper156 DVNEQDVLLFIDNIFR 491 108.44 22 1948.9916 atpB gene product chloroplast gi|359422268
Piper161 EAIQEQIELFLLQEQASTSPSYS 31 17.29 1 2611.2234 [6] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit chloroplast gi|383931175
Piper166 EAYPGDVFYLHSR 5357 57.64 24 1552.7332 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|11466709
Piper174 EGNEIIRRAIR 522 12.11 2 1308.7403 [N-term] Glu->pyro-Glu (N-term E)|[3] Deamidated (NQ) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|218176252
Piper178 EGPNLLK 1347 28.97 15 769.4334 ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit chloroplast gi|108773075
Piper181 EGSITSIQAVYVPADDLTDPAPATTFAHLDATTVLSR 421 100.12 22 3842.9259 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper186 EIILPTNSGQIGVLPNHAPIATAVDIGILR 4951 21.77 2 3093.6962 [10] Deamidated (NQ)|[16] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF1 epsilon subunit chloroplast gi|115605028
Piper187 EILVIGPVPGQK 8222 38.24 8 1290.7659 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term) cytochrome f chloroplast gi|150251483
Piper188 EINVTCEVQQLLGNNR 2448 55.08 22 1867.9214 [N-term] Glu->pyro-Glu (N-term E)|[6] Carbamidomethyl (C) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|340034205
Piper195 EITLGFVDLLRDNFVEK 1585 52.45 18 2008.0539 [13] Deamidated (NQ) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|156618912
Piper196 EITLGFVDLLRDNFVEKDR 945 72.01 22 2279.1797 [13] Deamidated (NQ) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|156618912
Piper207 ELIIGDR 946 32.64 15 814.4551 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|11466709
Piper210 ELQDIIAILGLDELSEEDRLTVAR 5842 35.77 4 2710.4422 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper214 ENGLLLHIHR 3594 40.54 12 1243.6786 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[2] Deamidated (NQ) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|156618912
Piper222 EQVEVRNSADSMVYQTEK 9022 9.99 2 2171.9521 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[2] Deamidated (NQ)|[12] Oxidation (M)|[15] Deamidated (NQ) Heat Shock Protein 70 chloroplast gi|145342483
Piper228 ESGVINEQNIAESK 252 77.17 24 1516.738 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper229 ESGVINQENIAESK 252 64.36 24 1516.738 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|519704511
Piper230 ETDVLAAFR 14970 25.43 2 1002.5127 [N-term] Glu->pyro-Glu (N-term E) large subunit of Rubisco chloroplast gi|649132073
Piper233 ETTENESANEGYR 3765 59.12 24 1498.618 photosystem II protein D1 chloroplast gi|108773110
Piper237 EVKILNMGTVLQVGDGIAR 1583 53.59 22 2011.0698 [N-term] Glu->pyro-Glu (N-term E)|[6] Deamidated (NQ)|[7] Oxidation (M) ATP synthase CF1 subunit alpha chloroplast gi|814072021
Piper259 FLVQLR 1305 35.33 7 774.4753 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|11466709
Piper269 FVFCAEAIYK 409 39.14 30 1246.6055 [4] Carbamidomethyl (C) ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|772649789
Piper271 FVQAGSEISALLGR 381 31.66 14 1489.7894 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[3] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|187763109
Piper272 FVQAGSEVSALLGR 232 100.45 24 1432.7676 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper274 FWDLR 9887 33.98 10 735.3707 photosystem II 44 kDa protein chloroplast gi|108773126
Piper279 GAAIEQLEK 2999 36.91 20 957.5163 ATP synthase CF0 subunit I chloroplast gi|115605008
Piper309 GIYPAVDPLDSTSTMLQPR 6722 56.91 10 2076.0203 [15] Oxidation (M) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper323 GMEVIDTGAPLSVPVGGTTLGR 6789 8.57 2 2142.101 [2] Oxidation (M) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|323149089
Piper324 GMEVIDTGTALSVPVGGATLGR 6789 21.23 2 2142.101 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term) ATP synthase beta subunit chloroplast gi|119368506
Piper325 GMEVIDTGTPLSVPVGGATLGR 6789 51.87 2 2142.101 [2] Oxidation (M) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|139387437
Piper326 GMQVIDTGTPLSVPVGGATLGR 6789 55.7 2 2142.101 [2] Oxidation (M)|[3] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|393396089
Piper365 HTLIIYDDLSK 2532 64.73 23 1316.6971 ATP synthase CF1 alpha chain chloroplast gi|292559496
Piper374 IAQIPVSEAYLGR 560 78.9 24 1415.772 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|11466709
Piper375 IAQIPVSESFLGR 560 65.18 24 1415.772 ATP synthase CF1 subunit alpha chloroplast gi|542687237
Piper384 IFNVLGEPIDNLGPVDTR 1474 22.57 16 2011.0377 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[3] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|752789793
Piper385 IFNVLGEPVDELGPVDTR 412 24.28 6 2011.0382 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|115391911
Piper386 IFNVLGEPVDNLGPVDTR 143 92.08 24 1954.0168 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper393 IGLFGGAGVGK 599 58.71 20 974.5545 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper394 IGLFGGGAGVGK 878 60.79 20 1031.5761 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|533310112
Piper396 IGNNEITILVNDAER 3241 83.56 12 1669.8637 ATP synthase CF1 epsilon subunit chloroplast gi|115605028
Piper407 IIQIIGPVLDVAFPPGK 3980 48.75 16 1819.0603 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[3] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|442742970
Piper439 ITQIIGPVLDVVFPPGKMPYIYNALIVQGRDTVGKQINVTCEVQQLLGNNR 800 16.46 2 5670.9176 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[3] Deamidated (NQ)|[23] Deamidated (NQ)|[28] Deamidated (NQ)|[36] Deamidat ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|295136979
Piper442 IVGEEHYETAQR 726 92.5 22 1430.6788 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper451 IVQIIGPVLDVAFPPGK 1996 56.69 24 1762.0391 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper452 IVQIIGPVLDVAFQPGQMPNIYNALRVVASENIKDEVICEVQQLLGDHCVR 2776 14.54 2 5744.9346 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[3] Deamidated (NQ)|[14] Deamidated (NQ)|[43] Deamidated (NQ)|[49] Carbamid ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|806637011
Piper453 IVSNEHYETAQR 2291 42.2 18 1487.6977 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term) ATP synthase CF1 subunit beta chloroplast gi|772650081
Piper454 IYDTCIGCTQCVR 1897 69.7 22 1644.7066 [5] Carbamidomethyl (C)|[8] Carbamidomethyl (C)|[11] Carbamidomethyl (C) photosystem I subunit VII chloroplast gi|108773054
Piper471 KIMKNIRVYCLLLR 1536 13.53 3 1835.0525 [3] Oxidation (M)|[10] Carbamidomethyl (C) hypothetical protein chloroplast gi|810932592
Piper472 KINPTTSVPGVSTLEK 4884 21.18 3 1711.9246 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term) ATP synthase beta subunit chloroplast gi|119368506
Piper479 KNQLENALR 1045 62.21 24 1086.5665 [2] Deamidated (NQ)|[3] Deamidated (NQ) hypothetical protein chloroplast gi|810932592
Piper502 LAFYDYIGNNPAK 2603 77.8 24 1484.731 photosystem II CP47 chlorophyll apoprotein chloroplast gi|115605047
Piper521 LGANVGSAQGPTGLGK 1630 67.21 12 1425.7538 photosystem II 44 kDa protein chloroplast gi|108773126
Piper534 LIESPAPGIISR 326 49.17 24 1251.7186 atpA gene product chloroplast gi|374249689
Piper578 LSIFETGIK 662 35.18 24 1006.5695 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper585 LTPQPGVPPEEAGAAVAAESSTGTWTTVWTDGLTSLDR 419 40.06 12 3910.9086 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[4] Deamidated (NQ) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|788229343
Piper612 MSGGDHVHAGTVVGK 5007 25.61 9 1466.6912 [1] Oxidation (M) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|630716250
Piper613 MTPQTGVPPEEAGAAVAAESSTGTWTTVWTDGLTSLDR 1423 22.2 2 3906.7776 [1] Oxidation (M)|[4] Deamidated (NQ) large subunit of Rubisco chloroplast gi|649132073
Piper635 NGITMIRNHIVSAAAAVTTQEGTIAQIIGPVCDVTFKAGNMPNIYDAVLVETK 567 22.57 2 5670.9176 [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[32] Carbamidomethyl (C)|[41] Oxidation (M)|[43] Deamidated (NQ) CF1 beta subunit of ATP synthase chloroplast gi|699008381
Piper643 NILVIGPVPGQK 2848 49.25 23 1233.7446 cytochrome f chloroplast gi|110227092
Piper644 NKPQFQEIISSTK 1153 37.86 24 1518.8037 ATP synthase CF1 alpha chain chloroplast gi|292559496
Piper650 NNGLLLHIHR 1397 56.93 12 1186.6553 [2] Deamidated (NQ) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|161622318
Piper673 QGIPLITGR 5284 26.44 14 936.5389 [N-term] Gln->pyro-Glu (N-term Q) photosystem II protein V chloroplast gi|108773147
Piper676 QGSITSIQAVYVPADDLTDPAPATTFAHLDATTVLSR 421 102.32 22 3842.9259 [8] Deamidated (NQ) ATP synthase CF1 beta chain chloroplast gi|511943463
Piper679 QINVTCEVQQLLGNNR 787 91.54 36 1884.9558 [6] Carbamidomethyl (C) ATP synthase CF1 subunit beta chloroplast gi|814072022
Piper714 RAQLGEIFELDR 9543 40.57 3 1445.7624 photosystem II CP47 chlorophyll apoprotein chloroplast gi|115605047
Piper723 RNGITMIRNHIVSAAAAVTTQEGTIAQIIGPVCDVTFKAGNMPNIYDAVLVETK 228 18.1 2 5728.9317 [2] Deamidated (NQ)|[6] Oxidation (M)|[44] Deamidated (NQ) CF1 beta subunit of ATP synthase chloroplast gi|699008381
Piper730 RTVIGNLLKPLNSEYGK 8298 29.87 6 1902.0586 [6] Deamidated (NQ) psbH gene product chloroplast gi|380448732
Piper735 SAPAFIQLDTK 414 72.21 24 1189.634 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper736 SAPAFVQLETK 414 31.77 24 1189.634 ATP synthase CF1 subunit beta chloroplast gi|772650081
Piper762 SNLINAASENLER 1150 62.26 24 1429.7181 ATP synthase CF0 subunit I chloroplast gi|115605008
Piper763 SNNTVYNATAAGTITK 5316 68 6 1624.806 cytochrome f chloroplast gi|115605035
Piper779 SVYEPLQTGLVAVDAMIPIGRGQR 2869 11.55 2 2586.3588 [7] Deamidated (NQ)|[16] Oxidation (M) ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit chloroplast gi|108773075
Piper791 TAVATDTIINQK 1002 64.13 24 1273.6879 AtpA chloroplast gi|456061396
Piper830 TVIGNLLKPLNSEYGK 1083 --- --- 1745.9581 [11] Deamidated (NQ) psbH gene product chloroplast gi|380448732
Piper832 TVLIMELINNIAK 6133 55.34 12 1486.8435 [5] Oxidation (M) ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper863 VFQQALQGALGTLNSCLNK 4253 38.39 10 2061.0672 [16] Carbamidomethyl (C) ATP synthase CF0 subunit I chloroplast gi|115605008
Piper872 VHTVVINDPGR 11565 34.37 3 1205.6514 photosystem II 47 kDa protein chloroplast gi|108773059
Piper875 VINALAKPIDGR 1970 40.97 24 1265.7456 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|11466709
Piper877 VINTWADIINR 909 68.66 24 1313.7092 photosystem II protein D1 chloroplast gi|108773110
Piper878 VIQIIGPVLDVAFPPGK 1996 56.69 24 1762.0391 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|81301573
Piper889 VLNALAKPIDGR 1476 37.38 8 1265.7459 ATP synthase CF1 alpha subunit chloroplast gi|342316106
Piper891 VLNTWADIINR 909 68.66 24 1313.7092 photosystem II protein D1 chloroplast gi|108773067
Piper915 VSLEACVQAR 207 81.36 65 1131.5691 [6] Carbamidomethyl (C) ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit chloroplast gi|630716250
Piper927 VVDLLAPYR 866 45.95 24 1044.5961 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper928 VVDLLAPYRR 2529 40.5 20 1200.6978 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053
Piper954 YKELQDIIAILGLDELSEEDRLTVAR 2997 70.48 12 3001.5999 ATP synthase CF1 beta subunit chloroplast gi|114107053