Showing results for Accession = gi|590602386
PiperID | SEQUENCE | Ion | Score | Hits | Mass | Modification | Protein Name | Origin | Accession |
Piper532 | LHPGGPFDPLGLAKDPDQAALLK | 2450 | 23.31 | 2 | 2412.2436 | [N-term] Acetyl (N-term)|[18] Deamidated (NQ) | Light harvesting complex of photosystem II 5 isoform 1 | gi|590602386 | |
Piper957 | YQAYELIHGR | 6067 | 40.75 | 12 | 1248.6254 | Light harvesting complex of photosystem II 5 isoform 1 | gi|590602386 |